【SAT写作例子】中国学生不知道的名人之Billy Beane

小站整理2014-12-22 10:34:06

摘要:今天要给大家介绍的是一篇SAT写作名人案例,主人公叫Billy Beane,这是一个神奇的故事,也是一个可以完全替代你们任何常用的挑战权威的名人例子。那么他是谁?为什么我们说很多中国学生都不知道他?而为什么他又会是我们SAT写作非常实用的例子呢?请看下文介绍。

比利比恩是美国职棒大联盟奥克兰运动家队的总经理,他以带领运动家队立足于美国职棒大联盟而著名。他新奇的球队管理经营方式也因《魔球—逆境中制胜的智慧》一书而闻名,该书于2011年改编成电影。(Brad Pitt 主演)

Billy Beane因独特的管理和超凡的勇气而出名




每个人都有闪光点(球员),实力和智慧哪个重要,坚持,挑战传统,挑战权威,慧眼识英雄,fit in 还是be unique.


Billy Beane is the manager of Oakland Athletics of Major League Baseball. He is famous for making Oakland Athletics, an ordinary even less than ordinary team ,stand out among MLB. His fresh ways of operation and management become popular after the publication of Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, which was turned into a movie in 2011.

Among the competitive MLB, Billy Beane’s team was only third grade in terms of staff, equipment or fund. However, with the help of his friend Peter, by his own unique management skills and contrary thinking, he looked and called together some baseball members who were bad-tempered or not good on surface but proficient in certain area of baseball sport. Of course, this move caused a great sensation and argumentation among the coaches and other managers, who forbade Billy’s members entering the field. In order to change the system, Billy sold out other members who seemed to play well, so the other managers had no choice but to let his members play. Regardless of criticism and question, Billy led his team to the victory and even to the degree that can compete with the strong New York Yankees.

It was Billy’s unique management styles and the courage to fight against the old system that led his team to victory.

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