
小站整理2018-03-19 15:25:37




1. 丰富的内容;

2. 有力的论点与论据;

3. 清晰且恰当的举例说明;

4. 段与段之间良好的逻辑关系和衔接;

5. 观点鲜明,清晰及较好的英语写作掌控力;

6. 变化的句型与词汇。


Directions:Consider carefully the following statement and the assignment below it.

Cleanliness and order are not matters of instinct; they are matters of education,and like most great things,you must cultivate a taste for them.

——Benjamin Disraeli

Assignment:What is your view of the idea that cleanliness and order require education and cultivation?In an essay,support your position by discussing an example(or examples)from literature,science and technology,the arts,current events,or your own experience or observation.

“清洁与次序并非天性;和大部分伟大的事物一样,它们是教育的产物,你必须靠后天培养才能获得。”这是英国前首相,保守党领袖本杰明·迪斯雷利讲过的一句话,对于这个人,可能大多数中国学生会很陌生,但是如果我提到另外一句他说过的话,或许就会有很多人知道,“没有永恒的敌人,也没有永恒的朋友,只有永恒的利益”。这个考题的写作指令是“清洁和次序是否需要通过教育来形成。”如果稍微扩展一下思路,可以理解为“nature or nurture”的问题。我们先来看一下一个美国考生对于这个题目写的一个开头段:

Today,we know that a lot of habits aren‘t just the result of education. Genes go a long way in influencing what people can do. And today,we are learning more and more about just how big that influence is.


Although Disraeli lived in the age that discovered evolution and natural selection,he didn’t live to see the nature-nurture controversy in the late 20th century. Today,we know that a lot of habits aren‘t just the result of education. Genetic predisposition goes a long way in influencing how people behave,science has shown us. And today,we are learning more about just how great that influence is.

我们不难发现,改进后的这个开头段,不仅从语言使用,而且在意思编排上都可谓上乘。“nature-nurture”,“natural selection”,“genetic predisposition”这几个词汇的使用很好地诠释了题目的内容而且使用非常精辟到位。同时,作者采用了“追根溯源”的写法,通过提及本杰明·迪斯雷利来引出话题,语言组织自然并且流畅。最后,作者对之前作文的主旨句进行了改造,使得主题倾向性更加明确易懂。

对比细节后我们可以看到,改进后的开头段,作者把原来一些意思不够准确的词汇进行了调整,如“genes”改为了“genetic predisposition”;“what people can do”改为了“how people behave”;“how big”改为了“how great”。这样使得意思就更加准确,同时词汇上也显得很有档次。


Directions: Consider carefully the following statement and the assignment below it.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

——Scott Adams

Assignment: What is your view of the idea that mistakes are necessary for creativity? Support your position by discussing an example (or examples) from literature, science and technology, the arts, current events, or your own experience or observation.


The statement says that creativity is the result of mistakes. Mistakes are infortuitous, unexpected and not always happy events, but like most art, they are usually original. But are they art? Usually art is something done on purpose and intentionally. Beethoven, a classical musician, was once considered a revolutionary and his music was considered out-of-bounds. But are originality and creativity the same as a mistake? Does the artistic process need mistakes?


“。..we may tempted to give it a 3 for the pompous language and incorrect use of the nonexistent infortuitous. The weak introduction doesn’t help; the cutesy last line is just designed to irritate a grader.”


Mistakes are unexpected and not always happy events. Like art, they can be original. However, art is something done intentionally. Beethoven, a classical musician, was once considered a revolutionary and his music, original and creative, was considered out-of-bounds. But was his originality and creativity the result of mistakes? Beethoven‘s case seems to demonstrate that they are the result of study, practice, and careful planning.

经过了精心修改,我们把多余的“on purpose and intentionally”部分拿掉,删除了“浮夸”的词汇和不受欢迎的第2个问句,再把贝多芬的例子进行了改进后,这个开头就显得十分完美。我们必须要保持开头部分句意的合理组合,词汇的准确,主旨句的使用。看到这里,有同学可能会问,这几个开头里的主旨句都写得非常好,但是我们自己要写出这样的句子却很困难,而且我们遇到的考题也会和这几个不同,到时候主旨句又该如何写呢?针对这样的疑问,笔者在接下来的文章里会重点介绍一种主旨句的句式写法,因为一个完美的开头段,需要以一个漂亮又务实的主旨句来收尾。这也是在阅卷时考官比较在意的一个环节。我自己在平时训练时,就积累了一些主旨句的句式,从而丰富和熟练了开头段主题的表达方式:

1. The universal notion that famous people are beneficial is exemplified throughout history and literature.

2. This universal notion is exemplified through history and literature.

3. This universal notion that the truth changes depending on how one looks at something is exemplified throughout literature and history.

4. This notion is exemplified through history, literary works and personal experience.

5. The universal notion that spending time outdoors is important can be seen in history, literature and modern media.

6. Examples of the importance of questioning authority figures can be found in history, literature, and art.

7. This universal theme is reflected in various works of literature.

8. This has been proved several times through history and film.


1. Literature and current events offer a myriad of examples.

2. History also offers copious examples that show working towards a general will is most successful.


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