SAT数学Problem Solving练习题(9)

互联网2017-07-25 13:41:54

摘要:下面是小站SAT频道为大家整理了SAT数学Problem Solving练习题(9),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。

以下是小站SAT频道为大家整理了SAT数学Problem Solving练习题(9),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。

Question 9: Two of the sides of a triangle are 7 and 6. What of the following could be the perimeter of the triangle?

(a) 14

(b) 26

(c) 18

(d) 9

(e) 12

Answer: The angle between the two sides should be higher than 0 degrees and the third side should be higher than 7 - 6 = 1. The perimeter should be higher than 7 +6 +1 = 14

The angle between the two sides should be lower than 180 degrees and the third side should be lower than 7 + 6 = 13. The perimeter should be lower than 7 + 6 + 13 = 26

(c) is the only value between 14 and 26.

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