做 SAT 写作时,怎样构思一个有吸引力的开头?

小站整理2024-07-10 14:55:23

摘要:在做 SAT 写作时,构思一个有吸引力的开头可以采用以下几种方法: 引用名言警句 选择一句与作文主

在做 SAT 写作时,构思一个有吸引力的开头可以采用以下几种方法:


  1. 引用名言警句

    • 选择一句与作文主题相关且富有哲理的名言,如“‘The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.’ This famous quote by H. Jackson Brown Jr. sets the tone for the importance of...” 这种开头能够展现你的知识储备,并引起读者的思考。
  2. 提出一个引人深思的问题

    • 例如,“Have you ever wondered how a single decision can change the course of your life? In today's society, the power of choice...” 让读者在阅读之初就陷入思考,激发他们继续读下去的兴趣。
  3. 讲述一个生动的故事或个人经历

    • 比如,“I remember the day clearly when I witnessed an act of kindness that transformed my perspective on humanity. It was a hot summer afternoon...” 使读者产生情感共鸣,更容易代入到你的论述中。
  4. 描述一个震撼或奇特的场景

    • “Imagine a world where technology has advanced to the point that humans no longer need to leave their homes for work or entertainment. This might sound like science fiction, but in reality...” 通过营造画面感,迅速抓住读者的注意力。
  5. 给出一个令人惊讶的数据或事实

    • “Did you know that over 80% of students struggle with stress during exam periods? This alarming statistic highlights the need for...” 以客观的数据引发读者对问题的关注和重视。
  6. 对比两种极端的观点或情况

    • “Some believe that success is solely determined by hard work, while others insist that luck plays a crucial role. In reality, the truth lies somewhere in between...” 这种对比能够激发读者的好奇心,想要了解你的立场和论证。
  7. 以一个具有争议性的论点开篇

    • “Many claim that traditional education is outdated and ineffective. However, I believe that it still holds significant value in shaping our future...” 引发读者的讨论欲望,促使他们想要看看你如何支持自己的观点。


例如,如果作文主题是关于“挑战能够促进个人成长”,你可以这样开头:“‘What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.’ These words by Friedrich Nietzsche perfectly capture the essence of how challenges can be the catalysts for our personal growth. Just imagine facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, yet emerging from it with newfound skills and a stronger sense of self...”


如何在 SAT 写作中运用名言警句来吸引读者?

讲述一些经典的 SAT 写作范文,以供学习参考。

推荐一些 SAT 写作的常用连接词和过渡词。

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