
小站整理2014-09-15 11:55:12

摘要:根据2007年2月的数据显示,吉尼斯世界纪录把 Bhut Jolokia(或称鬼椒)列为世界上最辣的辣椒,而到2008年11月,吉尼斯又把Red Savina Habanera选做世界上最辣的辣椒了。有挑战者曾经亲自尝试过这种辣椒,据说吃了一点点,10分钟后开始有反应,然后开始不能说话,当即被送往医院,anyway,谁最辣我们不管,那是别人测量的事。下面我们就来看看关于这方面的STA阅读文章。

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the hottest peppers in the world are the Carolina Reaper peppers grown in South Carolina by Ed Currie of PuckerButt Pepper Co.


Currie spent more than four years working with students at Winthrop University to alter a sweet hot pepper from the Caribbean. During tests at Winthrop, the Reaper averaged just shy of 1.6 million Scoville Heat Units. To put that in perspective, a standard jalapeno pepper registers around 5,000 on the Scoville scale.

柯里花了四年多的时间,和温斯洛普大学的学生们一起合作,改良了一种来自加勒比海的甜辣椒。在温斯洛普大学进行的测试中,“卡罗来纳死神” 的平均辣度为惊人的160万度(以史高维尔辣度单位来衡量)。让大家有个辣度概念:正常的墨西哥辣椒约5000度。

The previous record holder, the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper, was measured by New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute with a mean of more than 1.2 million Scoville Heat Units.


Those are just the averages… The hottest batch of Currie's peppers, code named HP22B clocked in at 2.2 million on the Scoville scale.


Currie sells Carolina Reaper seeds and hot sauces on the PuckerButt Pepper website. With names like “I Dare You Stupid” and “Purgatory,” Currie makes it fairly obvious he isn’t kidding about the heat.


This warning also helps to clarify that it might be wise to think twice before trying one of these sauces at home:


“After touching or handling hot peppers always remember to wash your hands with a product containing acidity such as lime or lemon juice. Some of our peppers are smokin’ hot and if not properly handled will temporarily damage skin tissue. When sharing your hot peppers with others, please let them know to use with caution.”


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