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Swansea University, Computer Science Personal Statement
斯旺西大学 计算机科学个人陈述
Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionize the way we learn.”
– Steve Jobs. This one quote, is something that makes me want to be educated, and educate
others through the uses of technology. If it wasn’t for the era I grew up in, I wouldn’t be as grateful for today’s technology as others are today.
From the earliest moments off my life that I can remember, I was always amazed by computers. I vividly remember the joy I got from using my Dad’s PC for the first time at the age of 3 years old. Ever since that day I have been hooked. From Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox to PC’s, I have been gaming and enjoying the brilliance of today’s technology all of my life. An education in Computer Science was something I dreamt of from a young age. To be able to study a course that not only interested me, but I genuinely enjoyed was all I wanted.
点评:好的文书都应该有一个好的故事,申请者回忆了在三岁时偷玩老爹电脑的搞笑片段,热爱计算机的种子就此生根发芽,To be able to study a course that not only interested me, but I genuinely enjoyed was all I wanted.与众不同的是申请者强调了这并不仅是兴趣使然,还是乐在其中。这一段可以说成功吸引了招生官。
I am currently studying Computing and IT in Gower College Swansea. Last year I complete my A Leel in Graphics, I feel that this course has helped improve both my creativity and design thus complimenting the visionary skills needed when studying my current A level subjects. Outside of my graphics lectures I enjoy creating my own graphical designs as a hobby including designing logos for teams which compete inside of eSports. Unfortunately, my previous school did not quite have the up to date technical facilities to really allow me to explore computing as far as I would have liked. However, during my time at college I have no had access to such equipment and I am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to really expand my horizons.
Computing has definitely made me more aware of how higher education works as I am constantly having to carry out my own personal research in my spare time to help aid me. My problem solving skills have been influenced the most by this course due to the coding which I find very challenging in some stages, but very rewarding when it is solved. My IT course relates to the subject I wish to study also. From Networking to how Teams within ICT work,I have really been enlighted as to the world of IT and how it plays such a functional, extensive and essential part of many elements of life.
In my spare time, I like to help students with less knowledge on the course develop their skills during workshops within College. I find this extremely rewarding as I am able to pass on what I have learned to help others as well as sharpening my own communication skills I am a very outgoing person and love to become the best in what I do.
I am very interested in Astronomy and really enjoy watching documentaries, going to events and even star gazing in my spare time. I would really enjoy working in the space industry when I am older within the Computer Science side of things.
Another hobby of mine is gaming, this is one of the factors which lead me to becoming so interested in Computer Science. I am currently in a team for the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I have watched the Counter Strike franchise grow over the years and I have always been amazed by e-sports and everything surrounding it. I have attended 1 LAN event for Counter Strike with my team and we are also very active with online tournaments. I feel like Counter Strike has given me the opportunity to meet many great people who I can now call friends, from all over Europe. I believe that e-Sports and my activities in them help me learn to talk and meet with people from all over the world who are interested in the same things as me, I would also, in my future, love to work on creating and designing games and I feel that my huge interest in e-Sports would help me with this.
Overall, I feel that I am an extremely hardworking and creative person who wants to challenge myself in the future. I hope that studying Computing in University will help strengthen my knowledge of the subject and find me a successful career in the future in a field surrounding my topic.
De Montford University, Computer Science Personal Statement
徳蒙福特大学 计算机专业个人陈述
My fascination with technology was sparked when, as a child I thought it would be a great idea to take apart my Playstation console. Aware of the danger, I was still eager to see how it all worked inside. I find it intriguing how fast society has been shaped and continues to be, by the influence of Computer Science. A few years ago if someone were to have claimed that cars would become autonomous, people would have doubted them. Now we are at a stage where nearly anything is possible and this is due to the relentless problem solving of computer scientists. The latest software update released by Tesla motors allows their cars to learn how to drive themselves, and is an example of artificial intelligence, a sector which I am most interested in. I want to study Computer Science because I want to gain the knowledge needed to be able to help find solutions to world problems, with the efficient use of computer technology. With the knowledge and skills, I will attain from this course, the creative ideas that I could bring into fruition would be endless. I hope to become one of the computer scientists who adapt technology to help the human race evolve. One possibility would be for artificially intelligent gadgets to recognise different people and adjust to their individual needs based on personal preferences. I have been teaching myself Objective-C syntax in my spare time and have completed online programming courses, which have allowed me to explore the endless possibilities that computer science can bring to the world. I have also learnt to create a simple iOS game using Apple’s syntax called ‘Swift’, in XCode alongside Photoshop.
I understand that computer science is not just about programming and hardware but also about the ethics entailed in the process of a design as well as innovative thinking. Studying A-Level Philosophy and Ethics has given me an insight into many ethical situations that may arise around computer science such as the creation of artificial intelligence. This raises controversy of whether or not we should be trying to create artificial intelligence, as people have different beliefs and faiths. One example of such controversy was during the development of Honda’s Asimo robot when engineers had to visit the Vatican to seek permission to continue the project due to how human-like the robot was developed to walk. During a week of volunteering on NCS I visited Wazoku, the creators of an idea-sharing software used by major corporations such as Waitrose and The BBC. I was given an insight into the working environment that I hope to join after completing my degree. I am applying for work experience at Wazoku, in order to learn about how the software industry can influence the progress of companies.
I am constantly seeking to learn new skills and gain experience from various activities. I have been a member of the RAF Air Cadets for four years, where I have learnt many valuable life skills such as discipline, leadership, charity and confidence. Alongside these life skills I have gained various qualifications such as The St. John’s Ambulance Youth First Aid qualification and Leading Cadet qualification. Being a cadet also involved doing charity work such as raising money for the RAF Benevolence Fund and the Poppy Appeal. Through all these experiences I have learnt how to work with people from all walks of life, different backgrounds and people who have different beliefs and ideas to the ones I do. This has enabled me to adjust my approach to solving different problems and situations.
Technological advancements take place around us everyday, from the evolution of bulky antenna phones into smart phones to the introduction of smart virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri, Google Now and Windows’ Cortana. I am inspired by the fact that computer science has become a fundamental element in the development of a better, smarter future for our world and my goal is to be part of that development process.