考文垂大学2017文书范文分享 法律专业申请者狂言:我将是你们的财宝!(附3篇范文)

小站整理2017-12-15 14:27:24



传送门>>>>>>2017年UCAS系统文书范文汇总 热门高校PS范文等你来(火速更新中)


Law LLB Personal Statement


I once read that the idea of law started in Egypt with the phrase ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. Derived from righteous intentions and perspectives, it is intriguing because the law is constantly evolving over time to fit with our diverse society. Being from an unjust background and first handedly witnessing the aftermath of an uncontrolled legal system has more defined my yearning to serve justice.

I am exceedingly motivated to pursue a career in law due to the current affairs happening in the world today; particularly the human rights violations that have been raised during the Syrian civil war. A lack of justice is not only seen in Syria, it is a large scale global problem. The general principles of human right laws are not only breached during war but also on a daily scale, such as wrongful conviction and discrimination. Criminal law combined with human rights is the specific area of law I aim to thrive in. This would enable me to contribute my part to bring about equality and justice that are challenged by today’s society.

One of my greatest inspirations is Kimberley Motley, a successful lawyer representing human rights cases in civil and criminal matters. In one of her speeches, she claims that there is a lack of justness and that laws are not being used for their intended purpose – to protect. The law is not just for punishment, which is how it is used in most cases, but for protection and defence. It holds people to the same standards, regardless of their nationality, gender or religious beliefs. Motley’s ground-breaking work in Afghanistan has made me realise that lawyers can have a substantial impact on the lives of people who are unaware the laws could protect them, and this serves as one of the many reasons I am ambitious to succeed in the legal field.

Throughout my studies, I have maintained an enthusiastic approach to learning. Having chosen Mathematics as one of my A-level subjects, I have developed analytical thinking skills which enable me to manipulate precise and complex ideas. This subject has also enhanced logical thinking which I believe is crucial in analysing legal problems.

Both Biology and Psychology are study of the human mind and behaviour. Law can be seen as the regulation of human behaviour, thus furthering my interest in this subject. From Psychology I have gained knowledge of research ethics, the ability to criticize evidence and suggesting ways of overcoming them. Sufficiently presenting data and making clear cut observations are skills I have obtained from studying Biology at A-level.

As an active member of the Biology debate club, I take part in the discussion of controversial issues such as three-parent babies. This has helped to boost my confidence and my ability to explain and persuade skilfully. I was also part of a ‘Heart to Heart’ team, in which I provide support and advice to students who may be dealing with challenging situations. Being a part time waitress, I am capable of crisis management and can perform under pressure. The ability to work as part of a team is another skill I have developed, which is a vital concept demonstrated on a daily basis within lawyers.

Studying law at undergraduate level gives me the opportunity to gain a more profound understanding of the legal world and the consequences that stem from its decisions. The value and versatility which the law degree provides is the primary reason I aspire to excel as a law student. With passion and dedication, a legal career path is promising and I will without a doubt be an asset to your institution.


1. 整篇文书内容分布比较明确,前三段申请者谈对自身有影响的人、事、物。首段是埃及古法典中的“以牙换牙,以眼还眼”,第二段是叙利亚内战,第三段则是Kimberley Motley律师,同时从侧面体现了申请者在政治和历史上的素养。

2. 后三段谈在A-level课程上的学习,这是大部分申请者都会安排的内容,以向招生官展现更全面的知识架构,使招生官了解到其学习研究能力。申请者谈到了数学、物理和心理的学习,同样也扯回到法律上。

3. 最后一段总结升华,对梦校表示爱意,还不忘夸一下自己。I will without a doubt be an asset to your institution.“我将毫无疑问成为你们研究所的宝贵资产”不要太自信呢!者拒绝对成功撩到招生官。





