不同专业文书写作有区别 名校各学科大牛给出最实在建议

小站整理2017-10-20 16:03:09


个人陈述(personal statement)是文书写作的核心部分,科研实力和学术成就则是其中最有说服力的一项,不同专业的学生如何制作出一份能让招生官眼前一亮的个人陈述?来听听国外高校法律、心理、历史、地理、数学、物理、医学、经济、计算机科学等各学科专家的专业指导。

传送门>>>>>>文书写作个人陈述指导汇总 名校范文大礼包砸来!(火速更新中)


Tim Hillier,德蒙特福特法学院院长

"We like to know that students are going to be interested in studying law. It's useful to know what motivated the applicant to choose law rather than all the other subjects on offer.


"Interest may stem from A-level study, or from something in the news, or from personal interaction with the law. It doesn't matter as long as it is personal to the individual applicant.


"Law is also very much about communication and language so personal statements that indicate genuine interest in reading (beyond the set texts for A-level) or the meaning of words will suggest an aptitude for law."



Dr Andrew Clark,伦敦布鲁内尔大学的心理学本科招生导师

"I’m not interested in applicants name-checking specific psychological studies. They don’t need to have studied the subject before, and they don’t need to have been interested from an early age.


"Instead, I want to know that applicants understand and appreciate modern psychology as a scientific endeavour, one which relies on formulating hypotheses and testing them with data to gain insights into brain and behaviour.


"There are a lot of public misconceptions about what the subject is about, most of which ignore this critical feature. The more misconceptions an applicant holds, the more likely that they’ll be disappointed with the course."



Dr Karen Grant,兰卡斯特医学院的招生主任和医学研究副主任

"A common mistake that applicants make when they write their personal statement is to describe a long list of different types of work and voluntary experience, without reflecting on these experiences and without demonstrating much insight into their chosen career.


"Much more important than what you have done is what you can demonstrate that you learned from the experience. What did you learn about being a doctor/working in modern healthcare? What did you learn about your own suitability to be a doctor? How did your experiences cement your desire to become a doctor?"



Bob Moore,谢菲尔德大学历史系教授

"One of the most important elements of a personal statement is for an applicant to show his/her engagement with the subject beyond the confines of their A-level studies. This might take the form of a book, a location or an activity that has been particularly influential in their choice course.


"Telling us why this particular work or event is personally significant is a good way for an applicant to demonstrate their passion for - and commitment to - studying history at degree level, showing us that they will be a bright and engaged student."



Lorna Stevenson,伦敦政治经济学院本科招生官

"Aspiring geographers often like to tell us about their travels. Get the most out of your holiday stories by including some geographical analysis: did the city you visit conform to traditional ideas about urban layout, for example.


"You could also consider the geographical aspects of stories in the news. All universities want to recruit students who are aware of what’s going on around them. If you are able to add your own opinion on these topics it shows that you have the analytical skills needed."



Dr Neil A. Gordon,赫尔大学计算机科学系招生官

"Generic statements such as ‘keeping up to date with technology’ tell us very little, but if you have experience of Scratch programming, have investigated a programming language such as C# or Java, or have built something using a Raspberry Pi, that’s relevant.


"Visiting a university computing department, attending a science fair, or being a member of a computing society would also show a personal interest in the subject."



Dr Gary Slater,利兹大学商学院经济学副教授

"Too often, applicants make vague statements like 'economics informs everything' or 'as an avid reader of The Economist…' but these don’t impress.


"Instead, say something meaningful about the books you've read, economists' blogs you follow or topical issues you’re following, including what in particular you find interesting (or even disagree with). In short, be yourself, be honest and make sure you evidence your enthusiasm for the subject."



Tristan Pryer,雷丁大学数学、物理、计算机科学学院数学统计学系招生导师

“Two things make a personal statement stand out.


"The first is enthusiasm for the subject. Not 'I’ve liked maths from an early age', more why you like it, and how your interests fit in with the institution.


"Second is to highlight what makes you unique. Why should I spend time reading your application over the other hundreds that I receive?


"If you manage to convince the admissions tutor that you’re an interesting and qualified candidate, you’re far more likely to get in."



Todd Huffman,牛津大学玛格丽特夫人学堂物理学教授

"The biggest mistake that students make in their personal statements is when they list books they have read, but then, in interview, seem incapable of telling us anything about the books. Remember, we might well have read those books too!


"So if you do list books that you read that you either found interesting or inspired you, make sure you re-read them shortly before your interview so that you can talk about them. And it might be good, if you list any at all, to only limit yourself to one or two books. Personally, If I were writing a personal statement I would not list any books at all."



Dr Philippa Cranwell,雷丁大学有机化学教员、招生官

"As admissions tutor I want to know why you are interested in chemistry. Try to avoid the usual phrases like 'I have always been interested in…' and tell me something that I won’t have come across before. For example: 'When reading Chemistry World I was fascinated by the article about fluorescent proteins…'


"This shows that you are going the extra mile to read about chemistry; over and above what you are taught in class. As an admissions tutor I look for enthusiasm, passion and a love of the subject. That will make you stand out."




