
小站整理2014-12-25 17:06:00


Teenagers should be "more ambitious" when making university applications, the official admissions body said today amid mounting evidence that institutions are lowering their entry requirements.


The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) said students could afford to pitch for tougher courses than previously thought because a “buyers’ market for applicants” had been created in recent years.


In a major report, it was claimed that students now had much more choice over courses, with school leavers up to 80 per cent more likely to be given five offers of university places than in 2009.


The comments were made as it emerged that record numbers of students were accepted in to UK universities this autumn, with numbers up by 17,000 to exceed 500,000 for the first time.


Figures suggested that applicants were finding it easier to secure places than at any time in the past. It emerged that:


1. Almost all school leavers now get at least one offer of a place;

1. 几乎所有高中辍学的学生现在至少被一个学校录取了;

2. The proportion of students accepted into leading universities – the third of institutions with the toughest entrance requirements – with at least an A and two B grades at A-level has declined from more than 80 per cent in 2011 to 77 per cent this autumn;

2. 进入顶尖大学的学生比例——申请要求最难的学校——有至少一个A和连个B成绩的学生从2011年的80%跌落到现在的77%;

3. Some 35 per cent of students with straight Bs were admitted to the most selective universities, double the rate in 2011, while 15 per cent of those with BBC grades were admitted, almost three times the rate in 2011;

3. 近35%的获得B类成绩的学生基本都进入了优秀的学校,是2011年的两倍,获得BBC成绩的学生占15%,是2011年的三倍;

4. Almost seven per cent of all school leavers in England got into university holding BTEC qualifications this year, with overall numbers soaring by 20 per cent in a year and more than doubling since 2006;

4. 今年进入英格兰高校的学生有七成只有BTEC证书,比例上升到20%,比2006年翻了一倍;

5. Record numbers of students were given “unconditional offers” – guaranteed places before they even sit their A-levels – with numbers rising four-fold to 12,000 in just a year.

5. 得到无条件录取的学生——在取得A级成绩之前可以保留录取名额——仅在一年之内就翻了4备达到12000人。

The disclosure will raise concerns that large numbers of school leavers are being tempted onto degree courses who are unfit for the demands of higher education.


It comes as all controls limiting the number of students that each university can recruit are abolished for the first time next year, in a move that is expected to lead to even higher entry rates.



