
小站整理2017-11-13 09:08:26

双十一考试的同学在考场奋笔疾书,完美地错过了剁手最佳时机。但,双十一快乐,屠鸭成功更快乐。简单说一下本场考试的考情回忆,总体上,本场雅思考试题型偏难,听力语速较快,如section2的流程图偏难,阅读题型偏难,考生要注意时间分配。考试大作文写作可以说是相当应景了。Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is a negative or positive development?网上购物正在取代实体店购物。你认为这是一个积极发展还是消极发展呢?文末附本场考试高分范文。


The rapid advance of modern technology has transformed the way people live. Mostly strikingly, thanks to the development of e-commerce, online shopping has become the dominant way of purchase for the younger generation. For good reason, some may argue that this emerging shopping mode will replace the traditional one in the decades to come. Siding with it, my view is that it is generally a promising trend.

Let us start by considering the tangible benefits to individuals. Shopping online has enabled people to purchase what they want with a click of the mouse or a touch of the screen, saving them much time which would otherwise be spent commuting to physical stores. Also, the online retailing platform provides access to an extraordinarily wide range of products and services, some of which are not or hardly available in local brick-and-mortar stores, especially those in economically disadvantaged cities or areas. Such advantages have, in fact, greatly facilitated people’s lives.

This new shopping mode has also delivered great benefits to the larger society. As an emerging industry, it proves to be effective in driving national economy by attracting prospective consumers and stimulating production, which is the cornerstone of market-oriented economies. In addition, e-commerce giants, like Amazon and Alibaba, the largest selling platform in China, are now making an effort to tap into the market of less developed areas in order to accelerate social development. It is fair to say that the overall impact of online shopping on the society is encouraging.

For all its merits, online shopping has not deprived conventional one of its chance to survive, at least for now, for the simple reason that the network marketplace remains much to be desired. In the current stage, where fierce competition forces some unscrupulous online sellers to reduce production cost immorally, cases of counterfeit products bought from the Internet are not few, which means the quality can not necessarily be ensured. However, regulatory bodies may help tackle this problem by adopting a carrot-and-stick approach, rewarding sellers who provide quality commodities and punishing violators who market fake ones.

In conclusion, this new way of shopping boasts much more advantages than disadvantages. However, a tougher regulation should be imposed on the virtual platform. By doing so, we will certainly reap the maximum benefit from this development.







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