你的雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣 考官观点语料库:工作

小站教育2016-11-16 18:40:52





The benefits of staying in the same job for life

Employees have a stable career with one employer

They have a good pension and health insurance

Their salaries gradually increase

They may be promoted within the organization

They demonstrate loyalty

Experienced staff can be trusted with more responsibility

They become part of a team

There is a clearly defined path for development

The benefits of not staying in the same job

People often change jobs in order to further their career

Another company may offer a promotion or a higher salary

People who change jobs can gain experience

They can learn different skills

Changing jobs is interesting and challenging

People can retrain in a different occupation

In a fast-changing world workers need to be flexible

People need to develop a range of experience and skills


Nowadays, it is easy to set up a company

The Internet provides a global marketplace

Self-employment offers greater freedom than working for a company

However, there are risks to starting a new business

Self-employed people may face financial difficulties

Many businesses fail to make a profit

There is less stability in self-employment

There are no benefits like pensions, sick pay and holiday pay

Self-employment involved hard work, long hours and total responsibility


Unemployment is a big problem for individuals, communities and society

Some people are unable to find a job

They may not have the sufficient level of education or qualifications

They may find themselves homeless

Unemployment causes frustration and stress

Jobless people may become involved in crime as a means to get money

The unemployed need careers advice

Governments need to provide vocational courses and retraining

Unemployment benefits: positives

Some governments pay unemployment benefits in order to help jobless people

Unemployed people need financial support until they find a new job

By claiming benefits they can continue to pay for their homes

The benefits system helps to reduce poverty, homelessness and crime

Unemployment benefits: negatives

Some people claim benefits rather than working

They become dependent on the government

They are not motivated to find a job

The benefits system is a burden on taxpayers

All citizens should work to earn a living and support themselves

Receiving benefits affects people’s self esteem

Work/Life Balance

It is important to achieve a balance between work time and leisure or family time

Too much work can result in stress and poor health

“workaholics” may neglect their families and friends

People need to take regular holidays

Companies should be expect employees to work overtime

Nowadays, many people work part-time or have flexible working hours

Technology allow people to work from home

Many companies provide childcare facilities

A good work/ life balance can raise job satisfaction

Happy, healthy workers are more productive

Technology and work

Internet, fax and mobile phone technologies have revolutionized working life

Workers can communicate via email, online networks and video conferencing

Technology can connect workers in different countries

It gives people more freedom

It can also save time and money

Some people believe that offices could disappear in the future

Virtual online offices may replace them

Child labour

In some countries, children are exploited

They do repetitive jobs for very low pay

Children are often used in agriculture and factory work

The employment of children is prohibited in other countries

Many people think that children should be free to enjoy their childhood

Governments should make education a priority

They should build new schools

They should supply the resources to educate children

Children need to be given the knowledge and skills for adult life


1.People have different job expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the same job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently.

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint?

2.As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being.

What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

3.The length of the working week does not reflect modern lifestyle needs. It should be substantially reduced to give people more leisure time and time with their families.

How far do you agree with this statement?

4.Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole.

Do you agree or disagree?






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