雅思课外读物--The Use of Force(英汉对照)

互联网2016-05-30 16:24:25

摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材真题是The Use of Force(使用武力)正文有注解,文章作者威廉姆·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯,全文共17段,文章包含雅思词汇、例句讲解,一起来看!


威廉姆•卡洛斯•威廉姆斯(1883-1963)是美国著名意象派诗人,但他创作的短篇小说同样出色,经常与舍伍德•安德森(Sherwood Anderson)、海明威和D. H. 劳伦斯(Lawrence)这些作家相提并论。很多批评家认为威廉姆斯对现代短篇小说的贡献丝毫不亚于他对现代诗歌的贡献。他的小说语言平实晓畅,没有丝丝入扣的情节安排,而是通过细节描写和日常对话来展示人物性格,这些都是当代短篇小说的重要特征。

[1] They were new patients to me, all I had was the name, Olson. Please come down as soon as you can, my daughter is very sick.

When I arrived I was met by the mother, a big startled looking woman, very clean and apologetic who merely said, Is this the doctor? and let me in. In the back, she added. You must excuse us, doctor, we have her in the kitchen where it is warm. It is very damp here sometimes.



[2] The child was fully dressed and sitting on her father’s lap near the kitchen table. He tried to get up, but I motioned for him not to bother, took off my overcoat and started to look things over. I could see that they were all very nervous, eyeing me up and down distrustfully. As often, in such cases, they weren’t telling me more than they had to, it was up to me to tell them; that’s why they were spending three dollars on me.


[3] The child was fairly eating me up1 with her cold, steady eyes, and no expression to her face whatever. She did not move and seemed, inwardly, quiet; an unusually attractive little thing, and as strong as a heifer2 in appearance. But her face was flushed3, she was breathing rapidly, and I realized that she had a high fever. She had magnificent blonde hair, in profusion4. One of those picture children often reproduced in advertising leaflets and the photogravure5 sections of the Sunday papers.


[4] She’s had a fever for three days, began the father and we don’t know what it comes from. My wife has given her things, you know, like people do, but it don’t do no good. And there’s been a lot of sickness around. So we tho’t you’d better look her over and tell us what is the matter.


[5] As doctors often do I took a trial shot6 at it as a point of departure7. Has she had a sore throat?

Both parents answered me together, No . . . No, she says her throat don’t hurt her.

Does your throat hurt you? added the mother to the child. But the little girl’s expression didn’t change nor did she move her eyes from my face.

Have you looked?

I tried to, said the mother, but I couldn’t see.






[6] As it happens8 we had been having a number of cases of diphtheria9 in the school to which this child went during that month and we were all, quite apparently, thinking of that, though no one had as yet10 spoken of the thing.

[6] 那个月,我们碰巧在这个孩子的学校发现了很多例白喉病。很显然,我们三个都想到了这点,但现在为止谁也没挑明。

[7] Well, I said, suppose we take a look at the throat first. I smiled in my best professional manner and asking for the child’s first name I said, come on, Mathilda, open your mouth and let’s take a look at your throat.

Nothing doing.

Aw, come on, I coaxed11, just open your mouth wide and let me take a look. Look, I said opening both hands wide, I haven’t anything in my hands. Just open up and let me see.

[7] 好,我说,我们先来看看嗓子吧。我用最职业的方式微笑着问小孩的名字,然后说,来吧,玛蒂尔达,张开嘴,让我瞧瞧你的嗓子。



[8] Such a nice man, put in the mother. Look how kind he is to you. Come on, do what he tells you to. He won’t hurt you.

At that I ground12my teeth in disgust. If only they wouldn’t use the word “hurt” I might be able to get somewhere. But I did not allow myself to be hurried or disturbed but speaking quietly and slowly I approached the child again.








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