雅思课外读物--Can you survive university without social media?

互联网2016-04-15 15:19:07

摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材真题是“Could you survive university without social media?”离开社交媒体,大学还能好好过吗?这是一个伤心的问题,反正离开了社交媒体,我是没法活!可是,真会如此痛不欲生吗?看看别人怎么说的吧!

However, things changed during my third year. I was offered two amazing writing jobs, which both required me to getT witter and Facebook. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I logged back on.

Adrienne Jolly, a careers advisor at UEA, says: “It’s hard to pin down(确定,敲定,确证,弄清楚)reliable statistics on social media and successful recruitment. But it’s generally accepted that getting known matters, and social media networks are pretty influential in this process – for better or worse.”

You might decide quitting social media isn’t viable(可行的)in the long run(从长远看). Most students want a career, and social media has revolutionized the recruitment process. However, if its ugly side is bringing you down(使人消沉,令人扫兴),why not consider taking leave?

By doing so, I gained resourcefulness(机智), confidence and a strong connection with reality. My social media free rein has now ended, but I still have these qualities and I wouldn’t give them up for the world.(虽然我对社交媒体不理不睬的日子已经结束,但我还保留着这些素质,永远也不放弃。)


sociable 社交的,好交际的

socialite 社交名流,社交达人,交际花

packed 拥挤的

shunning 避开,回避

proclaimed 标榜的

do without 没有也行

indifferent 漠不关心的,冷淡的

newsfeed 信息推送,新闻推送

aplenty 丰富的

chill 放松,休息

interrogated 询问,审问,质问

mobster 匪徒,暴徒

weary 令人厌烦的

grunts 咕哝

bliss 极乐

viable 可行的

in the long run 从长远来看(= eventually)

rein 缰绳,驾驭,统治,支配






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