雅思课外读物--Keep mobile phones out of the classroom

互联网2016-04-15 14:53:16

摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材真题是“Keep mobile phones out of the classroom” 让手机远离教室。说实话,手机是重要的通讯工具没错,但是手机上的功能越来越多,很多学生带手机去教室并不是为了交流,而是做一些学校生活无关的事情,我是不赞成带手机去学校的。

It is inevitable that those with parents who can’t afford such amounts will desire them more intensely. Twenty years ago if you were wearing Hi-Tec (海泰客帆布鞋或胶鞋)(asI was) or Dunlop trainers (邓禄普[软底]运动鞋), you were sureto be pitied if not blatantly(公然地) ridiculed. I remember the playground oohs and aahs when someone arrived through the gates on a school day after their birthday/Christmas/Eid. A crowdw ould form and then there was a flurry of excited questions focusing on price. The excited reply from those who could boast they cost £50 or more is hard to forget. Back then, you existed at the pinnacle of cool (绝对酷毙了)if you wore NikeAir Max (耐克气垫跑步鞋). Now the pressure will be more keenly felt, you can hear it now: “Is your phone just an iPhone 4?”

Today, most of us can agree that school uniforms(校服)are a great social leveller (社会矫正器,平衡器). Standing out as the one with crap (劣质的,质量差的) clothes is hard to do when everyone is dressed identically (一模一样的). The argument against mobile phones should be similar. Keep them out of schools. Allow children to learn in peace,free from the worry that the phone is one giant signal of their reduced means.


Trudge their way 脚步沉重地、磨磨蹭蹭地

Unveil 公布

Resurface 重新出现

Contraband 违禁品

Sightline 视线

Land 使……陷入

Confiscation 没收,充公

Oblivious 对……视而不见,熟视无睹

Subscribe to 认同,赞同

Harness 在控制的基础上加以利用

Unmanageable 难以掌控的

Scrutiny 审查

Surveillance 监控

Ubiquity 无处不在

Technophobic 科技恐惧症

Foolhardy 有勇无谋的,不识时务的

Entitled to 享有……权利;获得……资格

Cyberbullying 网络欺凌;网络暴力行为

Eye-watering 难以想象的;让人泪奔的[高价]

Well-heeled 富有的;阔绰的






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