雅思课外读物--Can a robot replace us?

互联网2016-04-03 16:30:06

摘要:小站雅思频道跟大家分享一篇雅思阅读文章“Can a robot replace us”说实话,现代社会发展的越来越智能了.机器人可以代替我们做很多的事情,甚至很多餐厅都在用机器人做服务员了。那么问题来了,机器人可以代替我们吗?可以吗?看看这篇文章怎么说的吧!

Using data as a tool is great, and there is definitely a place for all kinds of AI as an enabling tool in the boardroom. But successful boardrooms are characterized by nuance and judgement. The boardroom, like most of life, is not a 0-or-1 situation. We must depend on human intuition and human understanding and combine that with data.

As board directors, we must draw on as much information and analysis as possible, and big data has a real role to play in enabling the boardroom, but I don't think I'll be sitting next to a robot in the boardroom any time soon.


Obsolete 过时的

Oversee 监管

Farfetched 牵强附会的

Algorithm 运算法则

Remuneration 回报

Compensation 补偿

Audit 审计

Myriad 很多的;大量的

Differentiate 区分;区别

Intuitive 直觉的

Ingenuity 精巧;独创

Hinder 阻碍

Friction 摩擦

Robust 坚固的;有力的

Fallible 可能犯错的

Come down to… 归结于

Fallibility 可错性

Briefing 简报

Veracity 真实性

Nuance 细微之处

Draw on 利用


It might sound farfetched,but 45% of 800 executives surveyed by the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society said they expected an artificial intelligence machine will sit on a company’s board of directors by the year 2025.


But, since that isn’t the full extent of the role of a genuine board member, the algorithm clearly was not really going to function as a full voting member of the firm’s board.


And risk committees use data to analyse the myriad factors associated with risk of any kind, be it financial, infrastructure, strategy, legal and more.


Indeed, if everyone is using the same sort of data and simply making automatic,calculated decisions from it, then differentiation is lost.


Bringing those ideas to fruition, be it a new venture or a new direction for a company, requires the right people to execute on it.


Some of the fallibility in boardrooms comes from the fact that as a diverse group of board members we are, individually, often called to make decisions on matters where we don’t have expertise.







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