
小站整理2015-05-05 14:18:51


dumb phone是在有了smart phone之后才产生的叫法,已经被牛津词典收录。smart phone在约十年前的时光里,将曾经风光无限的直板,滑盖再到翻盖手机统统扫到了舞台的边边角角。所以it will be so uncool to use a dumb phone right now。然而问题就出来了

How can I get girls' phone numbers and not feel like a loser when I have a flip phone?

background:Going through financial tough times right now, and having a flip phone as a young 20's guy is not the most attractive/confidence building, especially when making first impressions with women... one girl literally scoffed when I pulled out my phone. Any help is appreciated.




This is a true story.


A few years ago, I was at a party. Most people there were very wealthy. There were many diplomats, executives and wealthy businessmen.


There was a tiny man who dressed very average. He stood at the corner drinking his scotch. I came over and said hi. In a room of expensive tailored suits, the man looked like someone's chauffeur.


We chatted for a while and he took out his phone for something. He had an old "dumb phone" that cost less than the drink I was holding at a decent bar. The amount of high end and luxury phone in that room was ridiculous. We had people who flashed their 10K+ gold phone.


Anyway we exchanged number. When it was time to go home, he just took a taxi home when everyone else called their chauffeurs.


I had too many drinks to try to figure out who he was. But from the clothes, phone, and car, he didn't look like a big deal.


The next day, I sent him a thank you text for watering down my drink. It was nice of him to make sure I was not drinking too much. He asked to hang out. I said yes because he was cool and nice. I love meeting random smart people and bounce ideas.


When I got to dinner, it was at a lovely nice restaurant in a nice high end building. Turned out the tiny guy was one of the main investors of this skyscraper in the heart of the city. He also invested in many other projects in town. His net worth was more than many people at that party with fancy and luxury smartphonescombined.


I asked him why he uses a dumb phone when he can buy the most expensive phone on the market.


He replied—It works and does exactly what I need.


Never judge a person by his phone. Jack Dorsey used to take the bus to work. His net worth is 2.7 B. Warren Buffet lives in a normal 5 bedroom house. It doesn't stop me from admiring these people. It makes them even more interesting.


You won't be able to afford the girls who have a problem with your phone anyway. It is a nice filter to have.


At the end of the day, don't feel bad about it. It is just a tool in our life. You cannot let people define who you are with your phone. You need to tell them.


Pull out your phone with confidence and tell the story you want people to hear. You are the person who can control your personal brand, don't let other people tell your story.


A smart man once said to me. "I don't care how you spend money. I want to know how you make money."


Some beautiful comments:

a.I used to work at a company started by a man who was worth well over 500m dollars and who ran his company for over 40 years as it grew to be worth over a billion dollars. Some of the things he did amazed me.

He bought his ties at thrift shops

He bought his shoes at garage sales

He flew coach

He rode the bus on business trips, rather than cabs

He lived in a modest three-bedroom home

He and his sons famously counted the fries in McDonald's large and medium sized fries to see which was the best deal

The first new car he bought was when he was in his 60s, and it was a generic minimally-configured Cadillac that was actually a somewhat worn showroom model

He ran his company as frugally as he ran his life, but never scrimped on necessary equipment.

He didn't layoff staff during any of the recessions beyond natural attrition.

b.To add to the flavor of your story when Paul McCartney and his wife Linda were raising their children they didn't have enough bedrooms in their house for each kid to have their own room (they were approximately 6-13 in age). When asked about it Paul said that he thought it would be great for the kids to feel closer to each other if they shared rooms, and he expressed the idea of how crazy it was when families lived in the same house but were so physically distant, as they would be if they lived in a big house.






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