
小站整理2014-12-04 09:41:16


今天雅思阅读素材给大家带来的是趣味阅读:DNA检测 1千块帮你预知未来。我们每个人都很想知道未来会发生什么,最近在英国,只要花费125英镑(约合人民币1210元)就可以进行DNA检测,通过基因来知道自己未来患疾病的风险有过高,这靠谱吗?以下是雅思阅读素材的全部内容。

A test to tell if you are at risk from Alzheimer’s disease and dozens of other conditions goes on sale in Britain today costing £125.


The test uses a saliva sample to provide more than 100 pieces of genetic information including whether users are more likely than normal to sufferParkinson’s, some cancers or baldness.


It can also predict whether they like coffee or hate Brussels sprouts, which type of exercise is likely to suit them best and give information about aperson’s ancestry.


The test, already available in the US, is being marketed online by 23andMe, a firm part-funded by Google. A customer spits into a tube, seals it and sends it back to 23andMe’s labs for analysis. Four to six weeks later, they receive a detailed report in the post written in everyday language.


It will tell them, for instance, whether their risk of Alzheimer’s disease is higher or lower than average. 23andMe – run by Anne Wojcicki, wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin – says its ‘mission is to ensure that individuals can personally access, understand and benefit from the human genome’.


It says that armed with the information, people can take better care of their health. For instance, the print-out may give someone the impetus they need to give up smoking or it could mean they undergo regular health checks so that an illness can be caught – and treated early.


Genetic tests are already available in Britain but generally provide less information and are more expensive.


However, critics say the science behind such analysis is not is not advanced enough to provide worthwhile results.


This could lead to some people being falsely reassured, others worrying unnecessarily or facing higher insurance premiums and the NHS being put under added pressure.


The firm has been banned from providing some information from the tests to customers in the US over fears it would lead to people seeking out treatment they do not need.


The US health watchdog, the Food and Drug Administration, was particularly concerned about information provided on one gene, BRCA, that raises the odds of breast and ovarian cancer.


It said: ‘For instance, if the BRCA-related risk assessment for breast or ovarian cancer reports a false positive, it could lead a patient to undergo prophylactic surgery, chemoprevention, intensive screening, or other morbidity-inducing actions, while a false negative could result in a failure to recognise an actual risk that may exist.’


There are also concerns that someone told they have a higher risk of an incurable condition such as Alzheimer’s may take a fatalistic approach and stop looking after their health.


Professor Sally Hodgson, an expert in cancer genetics from St George’s Hospital in South London, said DNA analysis is ‘very open to misunderstanding’.


She warned that the results could cause ‘undue and inappropriate anxiety’ and said that valuable NHS time could be taken up by people requesting further tests.








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