【雅思剧场】雅思口语听力绝佳素材 安娜职场记之二:面试

小站整理2016-07-05 17:38:39

摘要:最好的原版雅思口语听力素材。这是一套非常经典的bbclearningEnglish节目,名叫english at work,讲述的是一个名叫anna的职场菜鸟如何一步一步成为人生赢家的故事。如果你想在练习雅思口语和听力的同时,还能收获些人生知识,这将是你的一个绝佳的材料。本文为剧场第一集:interview。

这是一套非常经典的BBClearningEnglish节目,名叫english at work,讲述的是一个名叫anna的职场菜鸟如何一步一步成为人生赢家的故事。为什么说它是极好的雅思口语听力素材,因为首先bbc出品必属精品,其次它以职场作为背景,涵盖了各种生活中可能遇到的场景,对话丰富且风趣,每集长度适中(约4分钟),难度上可以说跟雅思的口语/听力相当,此外,它可以说是紧张的雅思备考复习中非常轻松的调剂品,可听,可模仿,可当成一个励志热血的故事。it is all your choice.



Episode 1: interview



Narrator: Hold tight please! This is Anna, on a bus going to an interview for a job as a sales executive at Tip Top Trading – one of London's fastest growing companies. How are you feeling Anna?

Anna:Oh, a little nervous but I really want this job.

Narrator:Well don't worry Anna, as long as you say the right things, you'll be fine.

Anna:The right things!? Like what?

Narrator:You need to sell yourself, be confident, not arrogant and give examples.

Like: A good example that comes to mind.

I'm particularly proud of.

Timekeeping is important to me.

Anna:Oh right. Thanks. Perhaps you can come with me?

Narrator:Sorry Anna, you're on your own now – but we'll be listening in. Look!

You've just arrived. Good luck!

Paul:Come in. Hello, I'm Paul, the Manager of Tip Top Trading. And you must


Anna:It's Anna.

Paul:Yes, very good. Thanks for coming. Now somewhere in this pile, I've got

your CV…

Anna:Err, is that it there?

Paul:Oh yes, thanks Hannah. Your qualifications look impressive but what sales experience can you bring to our company?

Anna:I worked in a shop once.

Narrator:Ohhh Anna! Sell yourself. Give a good example!

Anna:Oh right…mmm….well a good example that comes to mind is when I was involved with a campaign to promote and sell a new range of clothes – I loved doing it and it was…

Denise:Oh sorry, excuse me, here's your tea Paul.

Paul:Thanks Denise. Now Anna, it looks like you've achieved a lot during your time at university. Could you give me an example of good team working during your time there?

Denise:Sorry! I forgot the sugar.

Paul:Thank you Denise.

Anna:Hmm, so you want an example? I was the treasurer of the debating society at university. That was OK I suppose.

Narrator:Come on Anna. Be more enthusiastic – the debating society is exciting!

Anna:I mean… I'm particularly proud of how I organised the finances for the debating society. We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy.

Narrator:I like it! "I'm particularly proud of" - Positive but not boasting. You're doing well.

Paul:Very impressive – so you're a good planner Anna! We like organised people here... ooops, silly me. I seemed to have spilt tea over your CV.

Anna:Oh, do you need some help?

Paul:Oh no…I'm sure it'll dry out… carry on please…

Anna:Also… timekeeping is important to me…

Narrator:"Timekeeping is important to me" – that's good!

Anna:I always try to complete my work on time. At university I never handed my assignments in late.

Paul:That's good to hear. We like punctuality here…

Denise:Excuse me Paul. Sorry it's a bit late – but I thought you might like a biscuit with your tea.

Paul:Hmm thanks….oh lovely, custard creams… mmm. Now Hannah, finally I wanted to ask you what exactly made you apply for this job at this company?

Anna:Errrr… ooo… well. The reason I applied is….

Narrator:Yes, yes, yes Anna? Do you need a bit more time to think?


Narrator: What's she going to say? How would you answer that? Join us next time to find out. Before we go, here's a reminder of some of the great lines Anna's used today…


A good example that comes to mind I'm particularly proud of.

Timekeeping is important to me.

organise the finances 管理财务

debating society 辩论社


sell yourself, be confident, not arrogant and give examples.



Q:Could you give me an example of good team working during your time there?


A:Hmm, so you want an example? I was the treasurer of the debating society at university. That was OK I suppose.

这是紧张之下,她最初下意识的回答。在被提点之后,anna显然意识到了,她的这个回答的不足:Be more enthusiastic。所以,她立刻改进了自己的回答,这是一个从6-7+的提升,请看。

A:Hmm, so you want an example? I was the treasurer of the debating society at university. That was OK I suppose.I mean… I'm particularly proud of how I organised the finances for the debating society. We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy.


不过,在面对paul丢出的最后一个棘手的问题:finally I wanted to ask you what exactly made you apply for this job at this company?面对这个终极提问,安娜将如何完美作答呢?请看下回分解:The Interruption。







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