口语变题第三弹 火热更新最新雅思口语题库part2

小站整理2016-01-14 15:51:48




People 人物

1.Describe a person who apologized to you

You should say.

Who apologized to you

Why he or she apologized to you

What you did after he or she apologized

And explain how you felt after receiving the apology.

2.Describe a time you saw an interesting animal

You should say:

What it was

When and where you saw it

What it was doing when you saw it

And explain how you felt about it.

3.Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

Where this person travels to

And explain why this person likes to travel by plane.

4.Describe a person whose job is important to the society

You should say:

Who this person is

What job does he or she has

How you know this person

And explain why his/her job is important to the society.

5.Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet .

You should say:

Who he or she is

What did this person show up on TV

How you know this person

And explain why you want to meet them

6.Describe someone you admire who is much older than you. ( an older people you admire)

You should say

Who the person is

How you got to this person

What kind of person he or she is

And explain why you admire this person

7.Describe a family ( not your own ) that you like.

You should say:

Where this family lives

Who the member of the family are

How you go to know them

And explain why you like this family

8.Describe one of your best friends

You should say

When and how you became friends

What kind of person he or she is

What you usually do when you are together

And explain why he or she is one of your best friends.

Object 物品

1.Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you.

You should say :

Who bought it for you.

Why it was bought for you

What it looked like

And explain how you felt about it.

2.Describe your favorite toy in your childhood.

You should say :

What it was

Who gave it to you.

How often you played it

And explain why it was your favorite toy.






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