
小站整理2015-08-17 13:59:48




Part 1当中问的问题会比较简单,考生不用答太多,2-3句即可。虽然第一部分的题目在变化,但总体的变化不大,其中有三个必考话题,分别是:Your Work and Your Studies, Your Hometown及Your Home or Accommodation,是考生的必备入门话题。除了这三个必考话题之外,2015年上半年还出现了一批高频选考话题,连续半年持续活跃在口试考场上,他们是Reading, Visitors to your home, Teachers, Public holidays, Parties, Vegetables and Fruits, Films, Sky, Sleep, Trees, Plants, Mathematics, Weather and Climate, Television, Weekends, Sports, Clothes, Friends, Maps, Time management, Letters and E-mails, Newspapers, Collection, Mobile phone, Text messages, Live music, Gifts, Public Transportation, 及Shoes这些话题。

Part2是口语考试中最难的部分,考生需要对拿到的相应话题进行1-2分的英文 “独白”,非常考验考生的口语表达能力。这一部分没有必考话题,每个换题季的口语题库基本维持在50个左右的题目,题目类型可以分为四大类:人物类,地点类,事物类和事件类。


类型 1-4月 5-8月
人物类 10 8
地点类 4 9
事物类 20 20
事件类 15 14


1. Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.

2. Describe a person you had disagreement with.

3. Describe a person who you think is fashion.

4. Describe a friend who is a good leader.

5. Describe a person you don’t like but have to be friendly to.

6. Describe a family member you want to work with.

7. Describe a person you know who is good at cooking.

8. Describe a famous person that you like.

9. Describe a place where you can read or write (not your home).

10. Describe a garden/ park you often go to.

11. Describe a place that can be good to relax (not home).

12. Describe a restaurant you like (to go to)/that impress you.

13. Describe a place which is far away from your home and you visited.

14. Describe an unusual building you’ve visited.

15. Describe a historic building in your country/ hometown.

16. Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.

17. Describe a place you went to that was full of colour.

18. Describe an educational TV program that you have seen.

19. Describe something that you want to learn more.

20. Describe a small successful company.

21. Describe a paid job you ever did.

22. Describe an age/stage you enjoyed mostly in your life.

23. Describe a picture or photograph in your family.

24. Describe a gift for others that took you long time to choose.

25. Describe an indoor game in your childhood.

26. Describe an electronic machine you want to buy.

27. Describe an interesting thing you have learned from the internet

28. Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.

29. Describe a project that you were once involved in.

30. Describe an exciting sport.

31. Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have interests in now.

32. Describe an interesting website you have used.

33. Describe a toy you had in your childhood.

34. Describe a piece of good news you have heard of.

35. Describe a film you want to watch again.

36. Describe a song you remembered in your childhood.

37. Describe (a special) something you want to buy in the future.

38. Describe a time that a child did something made you laugh.

39. Describe a time when you feel surprised to meet someone.

40. Describe an occasion you got up extremely early.

41. Describe an educational trip you went on.

42. Describe a change that will improve your local area.

43. Describe something that surprised you and made you happy.

44. Describe a short trip you have been on and want to do it again.

45. Describe a time you lost your way.

46. Describe a happy family event in your childhood.

47. Describe a situation that someone gave you suggestion.

48. Describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth or when you told a lie.

49. Describe something you did with a group of people.

50. Describe something good you did to help others.

51. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy.

由于Part 2没有必考题目,但是有一些核心的话题,虽然看似是新题,却是“换汤不换药”,只是以另一种面貌出现而已。因此,按照分类掌握Part 2题目,并且合理归纳出核心高频重点话题,能有效将这些好用的核心话题扩展延伸至那些相似相通的话题就显得尤其重要。接下来我们就从每一类题目中挑选出比较典型的题目,看看这些所谓的“新题”是如何从旧题变身而来,以及怎样把之前准备的题目运用到这些“新题”中。

1. 人物类

Describe a friend who is a good leader.

这道题其实是将老话题friend与leader结合起来,考生可将之前准备的leader类的话题稍微变换一下,就是这道题的答案。此外,这道题的答案还可以运用到其他几个人物类话题中,比如Describe a family member you want to work with,这里可以说某位家庭成员是一位好领导,所以希望与之共事。或者变换一下运用到这道题:Describe a famous person that you like,提及一位自己比较欣赏的有名的领导者。

2. 地点类

Describe a place that can be good to relax (not home).

这道题其实是很多地点题的融合,可以套用的题目有garden/park,a place where you can read or write,a place which is far away from your home,a place near water,a place you went to that was full of colour等地点题。

3. 事物类

Describe a gift for others that took you long time to choose.

这是口语老话题gift和birthday的升级版,考生在准备的时候可以用birthday party作为基础,因为birthday party 同时还可以应用到surprise, family event这样近似的话题中。

4. 事件类

Describe a time when you get up early.

可把高频出现的Part1话题“punctuality”和Part2的老话题“traffic jam”合并来说。同时可将trip的话题变化一下,运用到这一题中。

除了这些经典的话题之外,还有一些考生们难以下手的题目,比如a small successful company,这一题就难倒了很多考生。对于这些比较“偏”的话题,考生可以提前了解一下相关知识和词汇,做好充分准备。

总的来说,雅思口语考试的考题从以往笼统宽泛的话题,向着更为具体和细节的方向发展延伸。并且,考官很热衷于将Part1和 Part2的老话题互相重组借鉴,衍生出了更具有限定某方面细节的所谓的“新题”。


2015年下半年中还有一次换题出现在9月份,基本会淘汰掉5-8月题库的30%-40%%u7684题目。不过,在下半年考试的考生不必过于担心,因为口语题库的换题是有迹可循的。一般来说,9-12月首先会淘汰的是留存了两个换题季的”老题”,而5-8月进入题库的“新题”大部分还会保留,9月备考的考生可以先准备这些5-8月的新题以及口语话题中像gift, friend, building之类的核心话题。







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