
小站整理2015-05-15 15:21:59

摘要:最新雅思口语真题示范答案重磅发布!今天的口语part2试题为Describe an educational TV program that you have seen。本文附上了名师撰写的经典范文,为大家展示一种可能的答题思路,请勿照搬,仅供各位烤鸭学习参考。

雅思口语有题目而无答案,尤其是一个好的答案,就好比有肉而无酒,让人无比介怀。这不小站雅思频道特意整理雅思口语part2的各类题目还配上了答案。今天的雅思口语part2话题为Describe an educational TV program that you have seen。文中附上了名师撰写的经典范文,为大家展示了一种可能的答题的思路,请勿照搬,仅供各位烤鸭参考。

You should say

What are educational TV programs?
What function do they have?
How they influence people?

Recently, the discussion on western public service broadcasting system and public media problem has become a popular issue. Public service broadcasting, which is generally believed to originate in UK, is a pervasive broadcasting system based on the aim of serving the public interest. Their products contribute to the spread of freedom, pluralism, education prosperity and high quality program production. In this system, educational TV programs are the vital parts. For instance, the Open University program, which is produced by BBC, has been aired for more than forty years. It is so successful that it set a good example for the other public educational programs. Many British people who don’t have a chance to study in a college have learned knowledge from this program. Because of this program, some of them are able to seek further education and get a college degree, which offers them more opportunities for better jobs. Moreover, the services have provided a competitive relationship with other media services agencies, leading to the increase in service quality of this industry. With the support of the UK government, BBC’s programs grow so fast. They are able to produce independent educational programs without any influence from other forces. That is to say, they can broadcast the truth faithfully. It offers a chance for people to speak freely with a neutral, equitable and objective stand.






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