
小站教育2015-05-12 16:02:52

摘要:最新雅思口语真题示范答案重磅发布!今天的口语part2试题为Describe a positive experience in your teenage time。本文附上了名师撰写的经典范文,为大家展示一种可能的答题思路,请勿照搬,仅供各位烤鸭学习参考。

雅思口语有题目而无答案,尤其是一个好的答案,就好比有肉而无酒,让人无比介怀。这不小站雅思频道特意整理雅思口语part2的各类题目还配上了答案。今天的雅思口语part2话题为Describe a positive experience in your teenage time。文中附上了名师撰写的经典范文,为大家展示了一种可能的答题的思路,请勿照搬,仅供各位烤鸭参考。

You should say

When it happened
Where it happened
What the change was
And explain how you have benefited from this change.

Junior year of high school I took a public speaking class for fun. The students piled in and sat down, but the teacher remained at his desk like he was deep in thought. All the sudden he sprang up with an energy that took over the room and demanded attention.

"Who wants this?" he said, holding a one hundred yuan note.

Hands shot up.

"Who wants this?" He repeated pacing in front of the class.

"I do!" "Me!" We shouted almost completely out of our chairs.

It went on that way for a few more beats until, finally, a brave girl sprung from her seat and snatched the note from the teacher’s hand. He smiled and she went back to her seat 100 yuan richer.

"Now, what was the point of that?" He asked the class. "All of you sat and asked-- none of came up and got it. Now, could I have made her look foolish? Yes. I could have pulled the money back and embarrassed her in front of the whole class. She was willing to take that chance. The point is, in my class, in life-- take a risk because no one gets remembered for the things they didn't do."

His words are a gem and stick with me these years as one of the best pieces of advice I got. Following this has never let me down.






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