

1 Are there many advertisements in your country
Yep,advertisements in my country are prevalent. Specifically, in the crowded place such as the bus or on the business streets, you can always contact advertisements.
2 Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.
3 What are the various places where we see advertisements?
Today, media is so blatantly filled with advertising: TV, radio, magazine, newspaper, billboards. Even more pathetic when I recently watched a 16 second clip with a two-minute commercial without the option to skip. I think many advertisements are brain-washing us.
4 How do you feel about advertisements?
I would say I enjoy some of them coz they are creative and stimulating.But it‟s true that When we watch TV, most of them always disturb the fun of enjoying the programs. Besides the information they bring us always are misleading.
1 How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?
Children are fond of parties and lovely gifts. Also they like celebrate it with friends like getting together and have a great meal.
2 How did you celebrate your last birthday?
My last birthday was held in a restaurant. I invites my best friends and We had birthday cake, sang and danced together. My parents and my friends gave me some nice and beautiful presents.
3 What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?
I'd like to receive some intellectual gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.
4 Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?
Sure, I think there's a big difference. When I was a child, my parents always prepared a birthday party for me, and we sang birthday song and ate birthday cake together. But now I seldom celebrate my birthday and sometimes I even forget it, because I'm so busy and I have no time to celebrate it.
1 Do you like flowers? (Why?)
Yes, I suppose so. I don't think we would care to live in a world without flowers. Flowers make our world more valid and in my country, people often use flowers to describe their emotion.
2 What flowers do you like? (Why?)
My favorite flower is lilac coz they have great fragrance. And they were the first flowers I ever received.
3 Which/What is your favorite flower?
I have a thing for lily. Coz lily always reminds me of graceful and elegant ladies. I was thrilled when receiving a bunch of lilies from my boyfriend on our anniversary day.
4 Do you think flowers are important?
Definitely, flowers are essential to our life. I can't imagine life without these lovely flowers. They can decorate our rooms, making our life more colorful.
5 (Similar to above) Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)
Yes, different flowers convey different feelings in China, they can be used as presents to send to your friends, your sweetheart or your parents.
6 On what occasions are flowers important?
In China, flowers are important because they have special meanings. For example, the rose represents a symbol of love, so boys usually send roses to girls when proposing marriage. And, lilies symbolize one hundred years of love and devotion, so they are used for decoration at the weddings.
7 Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?
Yes they do. For example, when people get married, relatives and friends usually send the newly married couple bunches of lilies, which symbolize eternal love, tie the knot.
8 In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?
Definitely yes. People usually send flowers during festivals, birthdays or anniversaries. Coz it is a way to show politeness and courtesy.
9 What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?
On Valentine's Day, people in China send roses to their sweethearts. And when people visit patients, they usually bring them carnations, to hope them recover soon.
1 Are you a student or do you have a job? Hot
Well, I am a student at the moment. I am studying English on a full-time basis at a Language School here in Shenyang.
2 What do you want to do when you graduate? Hot
To be honest, I haven’t decided it yet. Most probably, I’ll work as a market analyst in an international company after I graduate form the university. 
3 Why did you choose to study that?
I major in finance, which is a popular subject in our country now, because it is quite helpful for students to engage in business in the future.
4 What was the first school you attended?
The first school I attended was preschool.
5 What subjects do you like and dislike?
My favourite subject is English, and the subject I dislike most is history. I am really poor at it.
6 Do you like your high school?
Yes, I like my high school very much. I learnt both academic knowledge and extracurricular experiences in my highschool.
7 What was your feeling about the first day you went to school/college?
It was a hot day when I entered the new school, everything is unfamiliar to me. I met my new classmates on the first day, and we introduced ourselves one by one. Although it was not easy to adapt to a new enviornment at the beginning, but it was a new start in my life.
8 Which school are you studying in?
I am studying in Shanghai University, a key university in China
9 Why did you choose this university/school?
Because this is a famous university, I can have access to many advanced teaching and research facilities, which provide me with a wonderful opportunity to get better education.
10 Which city do you study in? Why did you select this city?
I study in Shanghai, because Shanghai is the most flourish city in China. What more ,shanghai will provide me with more job opportunities.
11 Do you like your professors and classmates? Why?
I really love my professors and classmates. My professors are very excellent and knowledgeable. They help me a lot about my study. My classmates are also very friendly,and I get along well with them.
12 Where do you prefer to study?
I prefer to study in my dormitory with my roommates. In this way, we can share some study materials or resources with each other freely, and my study efficiency can also be increased.
13 Do you prefer to study in the morning or at afternoon? Why?
I prefer afternoon classes by far! I’m always completely exhausted during morning classes. To me, afternoon classes are much better. I’m able to sleep-in a little and arrive at the classroom refreshed and ready to learn.
14 What do you do during the process of long-time learning?
During the long-time learining, I like to make a study plan, which can make me more aware of how I am going to manage my time and improve my study effiency.
15 Why do you choose your current job?
I chose to be a nutritionist because I have always felt poor eating habits came from poor knowledge. I wanted to help people get healthy by teaching them about food, not telling them what they can and cannot eat.
16 Were you happy when you were in this company for the first day?
Actually not, my first day at work was a scary experience for me, because I was so nervous and scared that I couldn't perform.
17 Do you like your current job? Why?
Yes, I like my current job. I work as a tour guide, it' really an interesting job, since it allows me to travel to many different countries and cities,
18 Why do some people choose to study abroad?
I think they choose to study abroad mainly for improving their English skills and job qualification. People can also broaden their horizons and experience more.
19 Which subject are you specialized in?
I am specialized in English. We practice listening, speaking, reaing and writing. As we all know, English is international language, which plays an important role in multinational cooperation.
20 Do you like school parties?
Certainly, I like school parties. In school parties, we can get opportunities to meet different people and get to know them. It is a good chance for students to promote their social skills and make like-minded friends.
21 What is your dream job?
My dream job is to become a translator. As cultural communication has become more and more important, translation is becoming an increasingly important tool to enhance the understanding between countries and cultures. So I'd like to be a translator to help people understand foreign cultures.
22 Describe your job in detail.
I am an Engineer working for a large construction company in the city. To be more precise, I specialize in the building of railway bridges. When I am assigned a new bridge-building task, my colleague and I have to travel to the site, have a review of the surroundings, and then decide what type of bridge will be suitable. Lastly, we have to make recommendations to the railway company of all the alternatives, and give them some idea of the costs.
23 Is your job important to you?
Definitely. I can serve my community and my country through my job. For example, when my company builds a new road, many people benefit from our work. At the same time, it makes me feel good about myself. I become financially independent with the salary earned through my job
24 If you could, would you change jobs?
No, not really. What I mean is that I am very happy in my present job. I get along well with my colleagues and my salary is satisfactory. Should I change my job, however, I might not find such nice people to work with and could be very unhappy. What’s more important, I believe I will be able to develop my career here. If I keep up working hard and perform well, I could be promoted to head of a department in two years.
25 Which is the best university in China?
That’s an interesting question.I believe that Peking University in Beijing is the best one in the country. For example, it has the highest percentage of students passing their courses of all the universities in China.
26 Describe your study habits?
I have well established study habits. I always start my study promptly at eight in the evenings. I study for two hours, have a ten-minute break, and the study for another two hours. I follow this habit from Monday’s to Friday’s, but over the weekends I spend most time in relaxing with my family or friends.
27 Do you think your present subjects are relevant to society?
Certainly. We often use case studies in class. What I mean is that the professor gives us examples from real life to examine and report on. Moreover, our lecturers and some advisors from the relevant industries have set up our study materials. What I mean to say is that the people who we are going to work for one day have had the opportunity to tell the university what they think we should be taught.
28 What are your job prospects?
I am planning to become a Hotel Manager. I believe that the hotel industry will be growing greatly in future. People are becoming more affluent, and spend more and more of their money on holidays. In addition, I believe that after graduation I will be able to find a good job anywhere in the world. All hotels and resorts need well-trained professionals no matter where they are situated. The professionals ensure that hotel guests will have a good time and come back later.
1 How often do you buy others gifts?
I guess it is not often.I usually give gifts to my friends and family mainly on their birthdays.Besides,I will make a couple of gifts to my girlfriend by myself in some festival like Valentine's day and Christmas Day.
2 Do you like to send expensive gifts?
No, it’s totally unnecessary. Gifts don’t mean material object all the time and can be something special, including forgiveness and kindness.
3 What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
I think for Chinese people, It's common to send each others tea as gifts. Especially the longjin tea, which is world-famous.
4 Why do people send gifts?
Because giving gifts to others could not only make them happy but also makes people have a strong sense of achievement. You know, making other people pleasant is really an exciting thing.




