

话题分类:人物类 属性:标准预测

part2 主题

Describe an old person you respect.

You should say Who he/she is When you knew his/her What you know about him/her Why you respect him/her
人物: 我的邻居,一位快80岁的老人。 什么时候相识:在遛狗的时候,因为都热爱小动物,所以认识了彼此。 谈谈对她的了解:我们一起谈论天气、新闻,她也会关心我的学业,倾听我的问题,并给出建议。因为她有丰富的人生经历,并指引我学习和生活,所以我非常尊敬和感激她(appreciate)。
Well, the first person that came to mind when looking at this topic was actually one of my neighbors, who I guess must be approaching her 80s now, and so I'd like to tell you a little bit about her and why I enjoy talking with her. As for how I got to know her in the first place, well if I'm not mistaken, I met her when I was walking my two dogs in the gardens of the apartment complex where I live, and one of my dogs just ran straight up to her, and literally jumped up and gave her a hug! I remember at the time, I was slightly worried because I wasn't sure if she liked dogs or not, but thankfully, it turned out that she was a big animal lover, so she had no problem with my dogs, and she now even looks forward to seeing them every time she comes out for

part3 相关题目

1 What kinds of activities do an old people like to do these days?
Well, in my opinion, nowadays old people like to chat with other people, sharing past experience with their
2 Why do some old people only remember happy things?
Well, in my opinion, when they were young, old people experienced many things, happy or unhappy, joyous or sor
3 Why do young people like to ask about the past of old people?
Well, for one thing, the past of old people sounds fresh to young people, who are curious about
4 What kinds of things can young people learn from old people?
Well, actually young people can learn many things from old people. Firstly, young people can learn old people’s sp
5 Do you think old people enjoy their life more these days compared with the past?
Well, I think so. On one hand, old people can enjoy the happiness brought by modern science and
话题分类:人物类 属性:标准预测

part2 主题

Describe a person who has apologized to you.

You should say: Who this person is When this happened What this person said for apologizing and explain how you feel about the apology
道歉之人:我的大学室友David. 他是我最好的朋友。 道歉原因:愚人节整蛊,David用牙膏充当饼干的夹心,给我吃了味道非常奇怪的饼干。 事情的结果:David对我道歉并作了解释。我原谅了他,依然是好朋友。每当想起这件事就会回想起我和David之间的友谊。
You know, when mentioned about this question, a person immediately came into my mind, and he’s my roommate in university, whose name is David. We are best friends, I can even say that we share weal and woe just like brothers. But there’s one thing that I would never forget. That is he once played a trick on me and of course he made an apology to me finally. That was happened on April Fools’ Day. To be frank, I didn’t realize that it was April

part3 相关题目

1 Is it important to say sorry?What situations do people say sorry?
Well, definitely yes. Saying sorry to others is an embodiment of your nurture. By saying sorry, you
2 Why do some people hate to say sorry?
Well, there are several reasons for this. Firstly, some people are just too shy t
3 In what situations should we apologize immediately?
Well, in my opinion, we should apologize immediately in the following situations. Whe
4 When will people say thank you?
Well, there are many occasions. People like to say "Thank you" when others help them or say something kind
5 When has the last time you found it hard to accept an apology?
Well, it happened a few years ago. One of my colleagues cooperated with me to complete a task. Since I was familiar with the issue, I not only gave her some suggestions but also rem
话题分类:人物类 属性:标准预测

part2 主题

Describe one of your best friends.

You should say: Who this person is How you became friends with this person What kinds of things you like to do with this person And explain why he/she is your best friend
介绍好朋友:大学同班同学 如何相识:“不打不相识”,因为他斥责我靠在椅背上,我们互相结识成为好友。他经常帮助我,教我使用电脑。 介绍人物性格:真诚、不吹嘘、虚心接受批评等等 成为朋友的原因:有共同点,因为我们都很幽默;互相帮助,患难与共。
I met my best friend while I was at university. He was in the same class. At first, he scolded me for leaning back on my chair but, after a while, we began to become good friends. I used to meet him regularly at an Internet café. He went there regularly. We would spend hours there together. He would always lend a hand to me because I didn’t know much about computers at that time.   He’s a humble guy, never shows of

part3 相关题目

1 How do people in your country make friends these days?
Well, there are several ways. Firstly, they usually make friends through the internet, for example
2 Do you trust friends that you meet on the internet?
Well, it depends. If the friends that I meet on the internet is kind-hearted and sincere
3 How do you get along with people you don’t like?
Well, I deal with this issue in the following ways. Firstly, I always maintain a proactive attitude. I always think of ways t
4 Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?
Well,I thing the reasons are as follows. Firstly, some people are just too sensitive and alwa
5 Would you only make friends with people who are similar to you?
Well, no. I not only like to make friends with people who are similar to me but also with people who are differe
6 Do you like to have many friends?
Yes, having many friends is really great and helpful. There is an old saying: Things will be
话题分类:地点类 属性:标准预测

part2 主题

Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.

You should say: Where this place was What you did at this place Who you went there with And explain why you liked this place
1、首先介绍这个地方:黄河边上的小镇,是我的出生地。足不出户就能领略黄河的美景。 2、做什么、和谁一起:周末和家人去河边野餐、在春天放风,在沙滩上堆沙子,这一段可以列举一些活动。 3、说说为什么喜欢这个地方:在河边我会思考人生,每当想起黄河,就会有一种归属感。
When I think about a place near water, the first sight that come to my mind is the great yellow river. I can visualized the magnificence and natural beauty of it without really go there because I was born in a small town that suited along the side of the yellow river. Throughout my childhood, I can smell and listen to the yellow river. This literally became a huge part of my childhood memory. I can still recall the memory. When I was very little, four or five years old maybe, my

part3 相关题目

1 Why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the ocean?
Well, going to places with water is a different and exciting experience. For one thing, travel
2 What kinds of leisure time activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, at beach, at a river, at a lake etc.?
at a river, at a lake etc.? Well, there are many leisure activities people lik
3 As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think the beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or for old people?
Well, I think the beach or seaside is more suitable for children than for old people. Firstly, children
4 Do you think children and old people do the same types of things when they go to a beach?
Well, I think they may do different things. Firstly, children like something exciting and interesting, so they may collect shells
5 What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?
Well, if I were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean, I would do the following things. Firstly, I woul
6 Why do some people like water sports?
Well, there are several reasons. Firstly, it is a good way to relax when swimming in the water. Especiall
7 Do you think government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?
Well, the answer is definitely yes. Firstly, it is beneficial to citizens’ health sinc
8 Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world?
Well, yes. Over the last few decades, human activity has pushed oceans to their limit. Ma
9 How important is water in people’s everyday lives?
Water is the basis of life. Animals and plants need water. So do we. Without food, we can live for a week, but w
10 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling on ocean?
Well, the advantages of travelling on the ocean are that you can not only feel the vastness of the ocea
话题分类:地点类 属性:标准预测

part2 主题

Describe a place (city/village) you have been to that was polluted.

You should say: When and where you went  Why you went there  What the pollution was like (or what kind of pollution it was)  And explain how you felt about this pollution
1、 用一句话简单说明时间、地点和为什么去那里的原因。 2、 污染的类型:空气污染,吸入了难闻的空气(disgusting air),说明造成污染的原因——汽车尾气排放。 3、 谈谈自己对污染的认识:可以步行代替开车,除了减少污染,还能节约油耗成本。
I went to New york City several times this month. I went there to visit my aunt & uncle and also to celebrate my b-day. My friends and I had to walk to go to several places and we had breathe in all that dis

part3 相关题目

1 What kinds of pollution are serious in your country?
Well, in my opinion, air and water pollutions are serious in my countries. With the development of econom
2 What can individuals do to protect our environment?
Well, it is everyone’s civil responsibility to protect our environment and there are many things that individuals can do to protect it. Firstly, we can reuse the
3 Do you think individuals should be responsible for pollutions?
Well, individuals should be partially responsible for pollution and do their part to control
4 Why is there a need to involve government in environmental protection?
The need is very obvious. The citizens of our country have no control over power plants, manufactur




