

话题1 :家庭生活类
1 父母是否给跟孩子们讲故事 Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children, while others think parents need not do that, as children can read books, watch TV or movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
1. 给孩子讲故事好处多多。第一,这能巩固家庭纽带。举例,在讲故事的过程中,父母和孩子都会完全把注意力放到对方身上,进行深度的感情交流,这培养了他们之间的信任和相互关爱。 2. 第二,在听故事的过程中,孩子们的记忆力,语言能力,词汇量,以及把抽象信息视觉化的思维都会得到锻炼和提升,这对于他们今后的学术教育十分有用,比如说他们能在课堂上及时抓住老师讲课的要点。 3. 当然,孩子自由阅读或是观看电视也是必要的。举例,在独立阅读的过程中,他们需要进行独立的思考和判断,这让他们变得思维成熟,而且自由阅读各个领域的书籍也是一个实现自我认知的过程,让他们找到自己擅长的,感兴趣的专业方向。
It has been said that “There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.” The question in debate is whether parents should read or tell stories to children or whether children should rely on themselves to read books or watch TV or movies. In this essay, both viewpoints will be fully discussed. There are many benefits of reading bedtime stories to children. First of all, it encourages family bonds. In this day and age of hectic lives and busy schedules, reading together is a simple and enjoyable way for parents to take time out and focus on the family. Children also feel wanted and loved. What is more, it molds children into becoming readers, and this significantly increases the child’s potential for academic success as well as lifelong success in general. It also helps children master language development as by listening
2 同辈压力对于年轻人的影响 Young people are often influenced in their behaviors and situations by others in the same age. This is called “peer pressures”. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
1. 首先,同龄人的压力会消除个性。举例,在这种压力下,年轻人总是关注,模范和跟随他人,包括了衣着,口味和行为。这种一致性让孩子们慢慢失去自我认知(self identity)。 2. 同龄人的压力还会导致年轻人犯错。举例,如果有同伴有着糟糕的生活习惯,如吸烟,喝酒和吸毒的话,那么这个年轻人就会忍不住去尝试,并最终上瘾。此外,为了服从某个团体的所谓规矩,天真的年轻人会被迫使加入一些团伙犯罪活动之中,如偷窃,抢劫等。 3. 当然,某些适当的同辈压力也会给年轻人的进步带来动力。举例,在学校学习中,来自其他同学的良好的学习表现是一个天然的压力,会刺激一个年轻人更努力的听课,思考和完成作业。此外,如果朋友们有着去图书馆的习惯,那么这个年轻人也会被鼓励去学习和阅读。
Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in promoting a person to alter his or her attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms. In my view, peers bring more negative than the positive impacts on a youngster, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Individuality is removed. Actually, for the purpose of receiving the social acceptance, young people might consciously compel themselves to approve of and comply with ideas, views and behaviors of other peers, instead of obeying their inner hearts. One typical example is lifestyle. As living in groups, unconditionally catering to even-aged students and students around is the main way of young people to avoid being labeled as eccentrics, suc
3 现代游戏VS传统游戏 Some people think modern games can help children to develop a wide range of skills, but others argue that traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. What is your opinion?
1. 现代游戏的好处:打电子游戏能锻炼孩子们的眼手协调,反应。还有,在处理游戏的数据过程中,孩子们也学会了计算,分析和推导能力。此外,电脑游戏也让孩子们学会使用鼠标,键盘和社交网络。 2. 然而,我仍然认为传统游戏更好。第一,下棋有效地提高了孩子们的智商和认知能力。举例,孩子们需要学会记忆,在大脑中推测和假设,还要学会将分析视觉化。 3. 此外,传统的户外游戏,如野外定向运动,培养了孩子们的生活技能,如识别地图,做饭,以及急救知识。
What kind of games should a child choose to play, modern games or traditional ones? Personally, In terms of contributions of games to enriching skills of children, I believe traditional games score higher in terms of overall performance, and my reasons will be expounded as below. Admittedly, benefits stemming from modern games should not be ignored. Generally speaking, playing video games is an interactive process that stimulates the neural mechanism of children. By this way, the eye-hand coordination, reaction and decision-making ability can be improved. Many puzzle games also sharpen cognition capacities like calculating, interpreting, logic thinking and reasoning. In addition, another practical skill trained from playing online games is computer
话题2 :科技类
1 科技化生活的好坏 It is suggested that everyone should own a car, TV and fridge. Do you think disadvantages of this development to the society outweigh the advantages?
1. 新科技提升了生活的便利,因为它的本意就是要让生活简单化,通过帮助人们节约时间。举例,相比于公交车,私家车给人们带来的是一个更快速的出行,以及一个很灵活的出行时间计划。它让人们不用再浪费时间去车站排队。此外,冰箱让人们帮助人们存储多天的新鲜食物,它避免了人们每天去菜市场购物。 2. 第二,舒适度增加。举例,人们窝在卧室就可以观看新闻节目,而不需要出门买报纸。此外,在糟糕天气下,私家车能给乘客提供一个安全,温暖的私人空间。还有,通过使用微波炉,人们不用再劳神做饭了,他们需要的只是把食材放入机器,按下开始键,然后热腾腾的食物就出现。 3. 现代化生活对健康没好处。看电视,开车,都是坐着的生活方式,它们剥夺了用户锻炼的机会,让人们容易得病,如肥胖,心脏病等。
These days, the wide range use of technology-driven facilities such as cars, TVs and fridges has had a profound impact on our daily life. As far as I am concerned, it is analytical to encourage people to use them which can bring substantial benefits to the users. My reasons would be expounded as below. New technology improves the convenience of the public, because it focuses on simplifying life by reducing the time and steps between users and their final goals. For example, the personal independence derived from having a car is immense. People can work, shop and pursue leisure activities flexibly, without being subject to the fixed arrival-and-departure schedules of public transportation systems or expensive on-call cab services. Similarly, under the function of a fridge to preserve and keep food fre
2 现代技术加大贫富差距 Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people. Others think it is having an opposite effect. Discuss these points of view. What is your opinion?
差距增大: 1. 在现代,很多致命疾病已经可以得到治疗,但它们很昂贵。富人可以轻松的购买这些药品和手术,如器官移植,艾滋病病毒冷冻,来延续生命,而穷人则因为负担不起而死去。 2. 很多现代的设备改善了富人的生活,却恶化了穷人的环境。举例,富人能通过购买空调,私家车来享受到干净的室内空气和舒服的私人空间,而这些设备排放了大量的空气污染,这极大的降低了穷人的生活条件。 差距缩小: 1. 互联网全方位地让穷人获益。在网络上,他们可以享受到来自那些著名高校的高质量的,免费的课程,从中获得知识,技能和思想,这增强了他们的社会竞争力。 2. 网店的成本非常低廉,这让穷人,尤其是那些边远地区的人们,也可以开启自己的生意,增加了穷人的收入。 3. 网络上充满了海量的医学信息,这为看不起病的穷人们提供了一个可行的医疗资源和通道。 4. 原来听歌剧和音乐会只是富人的特权。现在数码技术的出现极大的降低了音乐的成本,穷人只需要购买廉价的CD就可以欣赏到原来只属于皇宫的交响乐。 5. 网络游戏打破了阶级的隔阂,它让穷人和富人都出现在同一个游戏空间中,这增加了富人和穷人直接的沟通和交流。
What are the impacts of the modern technology on hierarchy? Some people believe the technology widens the wealth gap. Personally, I think this contention underestimates the great contributions of technology to the improvement of living conditions of low-level social groups, and my reasons will be expounded as below. Admittedly, I have to concede that technology-based products make a bigger difference between rich people and poor ones, because such technology is too expensive to be afforded by average people. For example, by purchasing high-cost advanced medicines and surgeries, like anti-AIDS tablets and organ transplantation procedures, rich people in fatal diseases or cancers can prolong the life expectancy. By contrast, the destiny of ill poor people struggling in same troubles have to suffer the early de
3 互联网是否削弱了人们的社交能力 People can go to shop, bank, and work with computer. But the danger is that people are getting isolated and losing some social skills. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
1. 互联网的滥用当然会弱化人们之间的社交。第一,在线服务大大减少了人们交流的机会。举例,现在人们已经习惯通过Google等搜索引擎来获取知识和新闻了,这意味着传统的,人们相互依赖来获取和传递信息的模式被逐渐淘汰,如学生和老师的依赖。 2. 社交能力弱化也是肯定的。在线服务下,人们总是和机器,鼠标,键盘互动,而不是真正的人。这让他们缺乏实际的与人交往的经验。 3. 此外,社交网络的流行也进一步剥夺了用户的社交能力。举例,在Fackbook和Twitter下,人们的交流手段极其单调,仅仅是依赖文字和图片。这让年轻人逐渐失去那些非语言的,但是必不可少的社交技能,如肢体语言,以及一种对于他人心理的阅读能力。
Currently, Internet-based services like online bank and e-business provide great efficiency and convenience to the public. Many people assert that this trend will make people isolated from each other, because it hinders the face-to-face communication. Personally, I completely concur with this assertion, and my reasons will be expounded as below. Firstly, the Internet removes the opportunities of real-world socialization. People today mainly depend on online search engines like Google or Yahoo for information acquirement, instead of people. For example, under the great convenience provided by Google which can automatically locate, filter, classify and list relevant websites, data, articles, images a
话题3 :政府投资类
1 政府是否该为大众医疗买单 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
国家医疗的好处1:一个免费的医疗系统有利于社会的稳定。如果只是富人能享受医疗,而穷人不停遭受疾病折磨的话,则社会犯罪和暴力就会增加。 国家医疗的好处2:这有利于降低医疗成本。私人公司做医疗都是为了赚钱。为了获取最高利益,它们会推荐,甚至强迫病患使用最昂贵的治疗方式和药物,这极大地增加了病人的经济负担。 国家医疗的坏处:这不利于大众保健。举例,一旦看病的费用是政府的公共税收承担,而不是私人的话,则太多的人会忽略健康问题,甚至会放弃锻炼。
What is the obligation of the government on social medical services? Some people believe the government should completely substitute the private companies by running the health-care system by itself. Personally, I partially concur with this assertion, and my reasons would be listed as below. Firstly, a universal health service run by the tax revenue of the government can cover all social classes, both the rich and the poor, which represents the human rights of all social individuals, and which is the precondition of social fairness and stability. In contrast, privatization of medical care leads to polarization of medical services. Only the affluent people will be able to derive its benefits, while poor people with non-affordability would be aban
2 慈善是应该只管国内,还是应该管管国外 Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. Other people believe that charity organizations should concentrate on the people in their own country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
慈善国际化的理由1:公平性。帮助弱势群体是慈善的第一目标,这和受众人群的背景,宗族没有关系。此外,这能增加国与国直接的互信。举例,如果南韩能资助北韩来对付饥荒的话,则两个国家间将不再有对抗和战争。 慈善国际化的理由2:帮助穷国其实是帮助自己。举例,很多全球性问题是跨国界的,如疾病,污染,恐怖主义。它们源于穷国家的贫穷,却会很快地传播到富国境内。所以,给穷国家捐钱捐物捐药,其实也是保护了富国自身。
Charity organizations always play a pivotal role in helping people who live in sub-human conditions or impoverished countries. It is undeniable that charity organizations do a great deal for the less fortunate. However, people have mixed views about whether charity organizations should help their own country or other places. It is understandable that people from different backgrounds have disparate interpretations on the same issue. Firstly, there are main reasons approving of such cross-border charitable support .For one thing, it is based on humanitarianism that helps those who deserve to be assisted. That is to say everyone is equal to get the aid, regardless of their origin, race, and color. For another, these charitable activities can help to reduce the gap between rich and poor. Actua
3 奥运会举办利弊 Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that money on other areas.
好处: 1. 能促进主办地的设施现代化。举例,为了伺候奥运会,大规模的交通设施,公路,铁路会被要求改建和更新,这为整个城市带来了更高效的交运系统。。 2. 绝佳的机会来展示和传播主办国的文化,消除文化差异带来的误解,这增加了国家间的尊敬和信任。 3. 点燃大众运动热情,通过促进运动改善大众体质。 4. 奥运会刺激了经济。它会吸纳数百万人的观光,这拉动了内需,也创造了就业。 坏处: 1. 太烧钱,巨大的开销甚至会占用原本属于社会福利的税收,这降低了当地人的生活质量。 2. 很多场馆的用途过于单一和专业,奥运会之后它们不得不长期闲置,甚至被抛弃。 3. 安保工作一直是一大头疼事儿,举例,1972年的德国慕尼黑惨剧历历在目。
As the NO.1 sports competition worldwide, the Olympic Games was held continuously in disparate regions in the past. Many people believe this sports tradition should remain, because of its positive impacts on the host country. However, others refute that it is unwise to spend the large amount of money on it. Personally, I am in favor of the former view, and my reasons will be expounded as below. The first reason for supporting the Olympic Games is that it provides opportunities for the modernization of social infrastructure for a host city, which can leave a lasting heritage for the whole community. For example, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games stimulated the update of transportation system, such as the doubled number of highways, higher extension of subways and accommodation of airports, as well as an integration of land and air traffic. Therefore, contributions to this city the great sporting event made
话题4 :旅游类
1 互联网能否代替实际旅游 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
1. 当然不能,学习文化可不是看看网页那么简单。举例,只有通过零距离的观察,聆听和跟当地人进行交谈,一个旅行者才能有深度地理解一个本土文化的独特性,包括了日常的习俗,社会规范,宗教禁忌,以及说话和思维的方式。这些文化元素是无法通过网络的图片和文字描述的。 2. 此外,我对于那种“网络万能”的论调深表怀疑。事实上,今天,仍然存在很多国家和地区无法被互联网所覆盖,如朝鲜,以及贫穷的非洲国家。所以,了解它们文化的方式仍然是实地旅行。 3. 然而,就仅仅了解文化的某些成分,如在博物馆的传统艺术和古董,我认为互联网已经足够强大来展现它们。举例,电脑技术,如超高像素的照片,已经能完全再现一件绘画或是雕刻的所有细节了。所以在家看互联网上的照片和视频或获得的文化体验,跟实际的观察没有多少区别。
Would the Internet substitute the practical traveling abroad, in terms of letting people learn foreign cultures? Personally, I believe this contention overestimates the function of the Internet, and my reasons will be expounded as below. The foremost reason against this assertion is that the essence of a culture is much more than simple images. In terms of helping tourists to have a deep understanding of a local culture in certain areas, the real-world international traveling, instead of the Internet, is still a primary means by which a person can immerse himself or herself in a live cultural environment to grasp the cultural cores. For example, by face-to-face interaction with local residents, including closely observing, talking, listening, a tourist can directly and practically feel every detail about local traditions, social manners and rules, the way of speaking and th
2 国家之间高相似度的优缺点 any people are intended to go abroad to travel to see what other countries look like. However, the places all around the world are looking more and more similar. What do you think is the effect cause the similarity? Do you think the advantages of this effect outweigh the shortages of it?
导致相似的原因: 根本的原因是深度的全球化。首先,在一个国际旅游兴盛的时代,每一个地区,尤其是那些交通枢纽中心,被要求重建基础设施来达到一个统一的国际标准。举例,为了满足外国游客的需求,酒店和购物中心总是被设计为西方风格的摩天大楼;地铁和机场和建造也总是遵守一种全球通用的外观;各种指示牌,广告牌,甚至是菜单的文字信息也总是被翻译为英文,这个国际性语言。 第二,全球性流行文化的流行。现在,全球性文化,它们非常地流行和有吸引力,和正在以一个前所未有的速度占领着每一个国家和地区的文化市场。举例,任何一个城市的任何一家电影院,几乎会在同一时间上映来自好莱坞的大片。此外,年轻人们也总是对于某些国际品牌有着相同的偏好,举例,无论是上海,东京,还是纽约的年轻人,都穿着耐克的衣服在身上,拿着苹果手机在手里。 好处:这给外来人员带来便利。举例,即使是一个对于当地文化完全陌生的国外游客,也能迅速地通过统一的符号,语言和外观找到酒店,餐厅,公交路线,医院和警察局,这让旅行变得简单,舒服和安全。还有,统一的国际标准也提升了当地的生活水平。举例,在国际标准的要求下,那些落后的,偏远的地区也会有来自政府的投资来现代化其交通,航空,医疗,邮政和网络系统,这能让当地老百姓的生活实现升级。 坏处:最大的担心是当地文化特征的消失。很明显的,这种高相似度意味着国家之间文化代沟的消失,并最终导致当地文化的衰退。举例,当英语,国际流行时装和麦当劳和摇滚乐在每一个地区的每一条大街上泛滥的时候,当地的语言,传统服装和首饰,传统食物和民歌将失去生存的机会。
Today, a high parallelism between disparate countries has been a heated social issue in debate. In my view, globalization plays a significant role, which brings more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, the root cause of this trend is the deep globalization. Specifically, in an age of thriving international business and travelling, all countries and regions, especially the ones that are pivots of transportation, are required to rebuild their infrastructures, for the purpose of reaching so-called global standards. For example, in anywhere worldwide, hotels are designed as western-style skyscrapers; the construction of railway stations and airports always follows the international norms; information on products, indicators, billboards and even food menus are translated into English, the universally global language. Besides, the form of a global pop culture also contributes much to
3 国际旅游是坏事 Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for them. Why do they think so? How to change their views?
国际旅游日益流行,有人认为它促进国际理解,有人认为它加剧国家之间紧张情绪。 国际旅游加剧国家之间紧张情绪: 1. 文化冲突冒犯当地人 2. 损害当地自然资源 国际旅游促进国际理解: 1. 只有亲身体验才能了解某国文化,比如许多美国年轻人要去到俄罗斯才觉得其实那里的人们并没有那么恐怖,再比如到了中国以后才发现现在中国男人已经不再是长辫中国女人也不再裹小脚。 2. 人们更加愿意了解彼此,增进理解。 国际旅游总体上还是促进国际理解,而不是加剧紧张。
International tourism is booming: millions of tourists go to foreign countries to explore the outside world. Tourism enhances the mutual understanding between the local residents and tourists. Some people refute that international tourism intensifies tensions rather than improves understanding between people from distinguishable cultures. The people holding the latter view suppose that tourists are likely to offend the local people because of the lack of knowledge of the local customs, which differ from their own. Moreover, tourism inevitably harms the natural resources and the cultural legacy, which may lead
话题5 :环境类
1 环境污染是否是经济发展不可避免的过程 Some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing and becoming richer, and this is hard to be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 不可否认的是,工业化是任何一个国家经济起飞的必经之路,这就会带来污染。举例,为了追求GDP,中国这个发展中国家不得不大力发展制造业,成为全球工厂,而这带来的是大量的煤尘和化学废料被从工厂中排放到空气,水体和土壤中。 2. 此外,当人们财富增多的时候,他们的消费就会增多,举例,使用汽车,冰箱,空调。而这些都是造成气候变暖的主因。 3. 然而,我始终认为人们对于生活习惯的改变能缓解一部分的环境问题。举例,骑车或是步行去上下班,放弃开车。还有,使用可重复使用的杯子和餐具,而不是一次性物品。最后,积极地进行垃圾分类。
Does the environmental pollution come with the economic development, as the speaker contends? This question has been a heated social issue in debate. In my view, industry is the prerequisite of a robust economy, so that industrial pollution is inescapable, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Undeniably, there is a universally regular pattern of economy growth that in all countries, the economy rising is always at the expense of environment, which no one can be exempt from. First, in retrospect of human history, industrialization, an essential stage in midst of economy development, is an unavoidable source of environmental pollution. For example, in order to keep a rapid growth of GDP, Chinese manufacturing industry receives all kinds of product orders worldwi
2 物种灭绝的原因 Many species of plants and animals are declining in the world. Give possible reasons and offer solutions.
1. 无节制的伐木是根本原因之一。举例,很多地方,森林被迅速地移平来建造农场和橡胶园。结果是,野生动物的自然栖息地会被完全破坏。 2. 工业污染。大量的废水和化学废料被排放到水体和土壤里,它们会毒死很多的植物和动物,并且破坏整个生物圈。 3. 外来生物入侵。后全球化时代,大量的外来物种被带到某一个地区。它们没有天敌,而且会不断捕食当地物种,这造成了当地生物的死亡。
It is undeniable that many plants and animals species are losing their natural habitats and they are becoming extinct in nature. There are several reasons for this universal phenomenon, but measures could be taken to handle the issue. This will be proven by looking at some of the causes and effective correspondent resolutions to the problem. One of the direct causes that should be mentioned is indiscriminate logging worldwide. For example, in many countries the trees are being uprooted giving the way to large-scale farmland of rubber, coffee and tea plantations. As a result, the natural habitat of wildlife has been affected significantly by the deforestation, and has been worsened by forest fires and endangered species poaching. Secondly, many of the human ac
3 动物做试验 Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but other people think that it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
应该做实验: 1. 动物是唯一的可选实验体,太多的医学进步得益于动物实验。 2. 人类为了自身生存而利用动物是可以理解的,这只不过是自然选择的结果。 3. 这是一个机会成本的计算,如果仅仅是几只兔子的代价就能带来数百万人的健康和存活,这个无疑是划算的。 不应该: 1. 这是一种漠视生命的表现,不利于动物保护。 2. 有效性存疑,毕竟动物的体征和人类的有较大不同。
Animal testing has been applied as a normal procedure of scientific research for years. There are emerging criticisms claiming that the sufferings inflicted on laboratory animals are brutal. However, the advancements of sciences would be seriously hampered if stricter restrictions were imposed on animal researches. Many medications and procedures currently in use would not exist if animal testing was banned. Animal testing has assisted mankind in successfully developing vaccines and antibiotics. Life-saving techniques such as organ transplant also own thanks to animal research. Such development in science has cured people




