

话题1 :教育类
1 制定课程靠政府还是老师The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. Do you agree or disagree?
政府制定的必要性1:推广和普及基础教育。举例,必须在全国范围推广关于国语和社会公共法律的课程,这样能让每一个孩子都成为合格的社会公民,能够阅读,也能够守法。而个体老师则很可能安装自己的意愿来教导学生,他们可能教的是当地的语言,当地的宗教规则,这些和整个社会是不兼容的。 政府制定的必要性2:政府掌握着社会就业的数据,它知道社会需要哪些专业,不需要哪些专业。所以政府来制定教育的话,能保证学生学到的知识和技能是社会工作真正需要的。 老师制定的必要性:老师从来都战斗在教育第一线,他们更有经验,也更能了解学生的需求。举例,老师可以灵活的来改变和调整上课的内容和方法,目的是让每一个学生都能掌握这节课的知识。而政府则不不可能预测到这些具体学习上的问题。
Who should shoulder the responsibilities of determining the contents of subjects of school education? The government or the preceptors? This issue has been a heated social issue in debate. Personally, I believe the combination of them might be the best solution, and reasons will be expounded as below. Firstly, the government should make efforts in popularization of basic education, which ensures every child can grow up into a regular citizen. For example, it is very wise that the central government forces every elementary school to teach some compulsory subjects like official languages and state’s laws, for the general knowledge can shape all children of new generations, especially the ones in remote or religious areas, into standard people with common languages skills to read news and data in media, as well as law-abiding consciousness to distinguish the right from the wrong. On the contrary, a single teacher is untruthful. In many cases, a local teacher in a religious region prefers instill
2 大家喜欢探索家族历史的原因 In some parts of the world there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of their families. Why? Is this trend a positive or negative development?
1. 探索家族历史的直接动因是,在一个全球移民潮的大背景下,越来越多的人会远离家乡,住在一个新的文化环境之下。举例,在美国的亚洲移民后代会感觉他们和社会主流人群不一样,这就催生了他们的好奇心,想搞清楚自己的家族起源和身世背景。 2. 这样的做法同时带来了好处和坏处。首先,这有利于人民搞清楚家族有没有遗传病,并尽早进行防备和治疗。第二,对于那些移民二代们,了解了自己的身世和来历有利于他们找回自我肯定。 3. 当然,这也有可能带来麻烦。举例,如果美国黑人一天过于痴迷祖先的历史,他们就会发现他们的前辈们被白人奴役和折磨的血泪史。这样一来,他们对于白人,甚至是整个社会的愤怒和敌意就会点燃,这就是俗称的种族主义。
In the contemporary society, there is a tendency that more people have a desire to trace back their family history. Personally, I believe it is a natural response in an era of immigration, and its merits override the demerits. The main reason why people have a big motivation and curiosity in looking for the root of family is about the population movement in a deep globalization, which is called the thriving of immigration. For example, today, there are a large number of descendants of Asian migrators born and living in the America. In this society whose population mainly consists of white and black men, they gradually find that their physical characters like colors of skins, hairs and eyes are distinctive from their peers ar
3 学理科的学生人数减少的原因 Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What're the reasons for this problem? What're the effects on the society?
1. 原因如下:第一,第一是上学的成本。举例,理科的学费太贵,奖学金又太激烈,而且学生还需要购买电脑和相关软件,这对于很多学生而言无法负担。第二,难学也是阻碍学生选择理科的原因。举例,太多的抽象,复杂,隐晦的公式,远离,计算过程,让学生们产生严重的挫败感。还有,很多学生会在中途放弃学业,就是因为感觉无法通过高难度的期末考试。最后一点,就业困境。举例,科研为主的工作很不稳定,一旦出现经济下滑,公司亏损,项目取消,或是技术过时,那些工程师总是被裁员的第一目标。 2. 理科生人数下降会导致严重的社会问题。首先,公司和大学的很多科研项目将因为缺乏从业者而不得不停滞和取消。第二,各个机构和公司的管理会陷入混乱,因为它们无法雇佣到计算机专员来管理,维护和修复它们的电脑。第三,科研也会因为缺乏年轻人的加入而无法获得突破,因为老年人是缺乏创造力和质疑精神的。
Nowadays, there are fewer applications of high school graduates for science subjects in universities and colleges. In this essay, I will explore possible reasons and impacts of this trend on the society. Many reasons can explain why the population of students majoring science is shrinking. Firstly, Scientific subjects cost too much, and computer science is a typical example. High tuition fees, extra investment in devices and software for studying, in conjunction with the fierce competition in fellowships, make this subject too expensive to be affordable to many youngsters. Secondly, compared with arts subjects, the knowledge of Math, Physics and Chemistry are publicly hard to learn, because they contain t
话题2 :社会类
1 跨国公司利弊 Some people think developing country should invite large foreign company to open office and factory to grow their economies. Other people think the developing country should keep the large company out and develop local company instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
好处: 1. 能直接提供大量的就业机会,也增加了当地政府的税收。 2. 带来先进的技术,设备,管理经验,这有助于当地落后的工业进行革新。 3. 外交层面,跨国公司把数个国家的利益绑到一起,鼓励各国政府进行积极地合作和对话,这增加了国际的友谊和信任。 坏处: 1. 导致行业竞争,先进的跨国公司会迅速占领和垄断本国市场,如日本丰田公司,它制造的私家车让中国本土的汽车品牌一个个的倒下,最终让整个本土汽车工业死亡。 2. 由于不是自己的土地,国外的工厂根本不会在意所谓的可持续生产。它们会肆意的浪费本土的资源,淡水,能源,以及非法排放各种工业垃圾和污染,这给当地生态造成无法逆转的危害。 3. 一旦国外企业垄断市场,国家战略安全就会受到威胁。还记得美国的”棱镜门“不?,美国情报部门通过跨国公司的产品和服务来窃取其他国家的信息。
In order to let capital flow in, the door must be open. There is an increased consciousness among developing countries that they cannot fulfill their expected economic potentials without attracting equity along with management assistance from large transnational enterprises. On the contrary, to rule foreign offices and factories out is to deny the opportunity to court international money which can help plant entrepreneurial seeds for the local economy prosperity For a developing country, little choice is seen but foreign capitals. Over the past decades many developing countries have sought outside investments in what is called a win-win game benefitting foreign companies as well. The trend of such bilateral cooperation has become even more obvious in a world of globalization. Plenty of economic fruits are being shared by investing companies and local industries alike, and this can be proved by such su
2 贫富增大的主因 The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming much wider, the rich richer, the poor even poorer. What problems can the situation cause and give the solutions.
原因1:富人有钱把孩子们送入一流的大学,获取一流的教育和学位,这对于找到一份体面的,收入较高的工作是关键;而穷人的孩子则只能早早的就辍学打工,这意味着他们永远无法获得事业上的升迁和成功。 原因2:富人有着资本优势,他们可以通过投资来扩大自己的生意,而穷人则必须把所有的钱都花在生活开销上,缺乏足够的资金来开启自己的生意。 如何消除贫富差距:政府应该增加教育预算,让更多的处在贫困之中的孩子们有机会来获得教育。同时,政府也应该增加对于社会医疗和福利的投入,比如说建立更多的医院和住房,这能让穷人们过上稳定的生活。
Economic inequality is the root of social turmoil and turbulence. In many parts of the world the gap between the rich and the poor is widened. The following paragraphs intend to explore the reasons and suggest ways to tackle this problem. While education has becoming an almost decisive factor in job hunting, the rich are able to send their children to study in good university. Moreover, they tend to send the children to study abroad while that the poor have to depend on work experiences or study from local universities. In turn, it is undeniable that in today's world, most company still prefer to hire an overseas graduate. Therefore, the poor would only have a slight chance. Apart from that, in term of business, it is the rich that have the ample funds to expand their
3 极限运动的必要性 Some people think extreme sports(like climbing and boxing) are so dangerous that they should be banned. Do you agree?
应该禁止: 1. 很危险,容易导致伤残甚至死亡,给自己及其家庭带来一辈子的痛苦。 2. 救援登山者浪费了不必要的社会资源,如搜救队,医疗。 不应该禁止: 1. 极限运动培养了玩家更好的体质和免疫系统。 2. 它培养了玩家的精神力。 3. 它是绝佳的放松方式。 4. 它培养了某些实际求生技能,如攀爬和格斗。
Such is a human nature to explore and experience the unknown. A trend is that numerous people are fond of embarking on challenging sports events, such as mountain biking, rock climbing and scuba diving, especially among the dynamic young adults. Those who pursue excitement and the sense of refreshment in the dull routine daily life claim that life without risk is no life at all. Indeed, a great many benefits could be gained via taking up those risky or demanding sports activities. Initially, the extreme adventures are a sort of effective way to help players relieve the strain and relax the mood, because the busy modern life often deprive one’s right of relaxing. The
话题3 :新闻媒体类
1 新闻媒体的好坏 News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 负面影响:以新闻为主的生活方式会让人们筋疲力尽。举例,报纸和电视吸取了人们所有的关注,这让人们无法关注自己的事情,也缺乏时间来维持家庭关系。 2. 负面影响:负面新闻会引发社会不安。举例,很多谣言,关于社会传染病,或是很多逃犯的信息,会让人们生活在恐惧中。 3. 负面影响:媒体是洗脑工具。举例,处于政治目的,很多新闻媒体会对某些进行毫无根据的攻击和抹黑。这会误导投票人的判断和立场。 4. 正面影响:新闻媒体能提供有用的信息,建议和指导。举例,天气预报和交通堵塞的信息能帮助人们制定合适的出行计划和路线。
In the present society, it has been hotly debated about the expanding influences of news media on the society. Some fret about the trend because the media might have full control of the minds of the public. Personally, I concur with this view, and my reasons will be revealed as below. The most worrying aspect of new media is that it overwhelms people’s daily lives. Actually, our current life is news-oriented because of the 24-hour nonstop news cycles on TV, radio and Internet. Under such news bombardment, the information overload takes place, which means people’s attentions and minds have to be glued to focusing on and interpreting endless news, comments, gossips and rumors, necessary or unnecessary, no matter where they are, in workplaces, schools, buses or homes. As a result, news media are a huge distraction, which makes people exhausted and reduces thei
2 广告的作用 If the product is of good quality and meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 娱乐功能:在指导人们购物上,广告的作用正在衰退。举例,人们更喜欢通过互联网的帖子和测评信息来选择商品。 2. 销售功能:广告帮助人们有效地了解和对比产品。举例,通过广告中对于相关产品的参数,功能,和总体性能的描述,客户能了解到该产品的特点和价值,并对于产品的好坏做出判断。 3. 刺激销售:广告能勾起观众的购买欲。举例,一个精美的广告往往能让用户重复购买他们不需要的东西,如奢侈品广告。
What is the basic function of an advertisement in media? Some people believe it is just for entertainment and has nothing to do with products promotion. Personally, I hold an opposed view that advertising is still the main stimulus in spending, and my reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, Advertisements today have less influence on the public to purchase commodities, because now there are diverse information accesses to a product. For example, on an age of Internet, people with desires of purchasing goods, especially the youngsters, prefer reading the professional articles of forums or assessment websites which specialize in collecting comments and feedbacks from consumers, or listening to the advices from friends and peers face to face. In their eyes, the description of a certain product on an adv
3 广告是否让人们变得一样 Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?
1. 广告让人们变得个性化。举例,大量的广告标语,如“唯一的”,“特别的”,“最好的”,“不一样的”,都是在暗示人们去购买那些不那么大众化的产品来突出自我。 2. 但是,广告的基本功能却是帮助大公司垄断市场。举例,投入巨资打造的闪亮广告能不断巩固那些大品牌在大众中的形象,这吸引了越来越多的人来购买同样的产品。相反,那些小公司却因为缺乏资金做广告而陷入破产边缘。最终,整个市场会被单一品牌垄断。 3. 广告的另外一个作用是制造流行趋势,这刺激了人们对同一个时尚进行盲目的购买。举例,在大厂商的广告诱惑之下,很多的人们总是购买同一个著名品牌的衣服,鞋子,包包,这让她们的外表缺乏区别。
Nowadays, the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has aroused too many controversial social issues. Some people argue that advertisements make the audience look similar by motivating them to buy products of the same brand. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and the reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, the intention of advertisements is to implant the concept of individualism. For the purpose of distinguishing brand names, slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words, including ""new"", ""innovation"", ""uniqueness"", ""revolution"", ""the best"", ""the only"", ""the first"". It is clear that core values of these words bring people a motivation to change, and a desire to try something distinctive. Consequently, the gap between people can be broadened, because any individual is stimulated by advertisements to express their personalities through purchasing various items, instead of following common tastes. However, when considering practical effects of advertisements
4 记者的品格 We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist, what do u think? And what do you think is the important qualities that a journalist should have?
问题1: 过于依赖网络,不出去挖掘和发现新闻,总是拷贝和转发别人的文章,缺乏原创性。 问题2: 不客观。举例,很多记者草率的使用那些来源不可靠的信息,这会造成谣言四起。 问题3: 缺乏职业道德。举例,很多记者受贿了。他们隐瞒真相,误导大众,这严重破坏了社会媒体的民主和公平。 素质1: 要有热情。记者应该到事件现场去深入了解情况,掌握第一手的资料。 素质2: 要有责任心。举例,记者应该参与到第一线来收集新闻和线索,这有利于还原真相。 素质3: 要有职业操守。举例,记者应该把社会利益放到自我利益之前,富贵不能淫。
These days, the journalists are losing the authority in the public because fewer people have faith in them. In my opinion, this trend is triggered by some ill behaviors of them. The reasons and the traits of a qualified journalist will be presented as below. I have to concede that a large proportion of journalists are under the standards of journalism ethics, which leads to the public concerns of the qualities of news in media. Firstly, with the great convenience provided by the Internet, journalists can have an easy access to acquiring all kinds of information. Some of them then begin to repetitively copy or reproduce the news report from certain websites only by clicking the mouse in the office, instead of going outside for practical research. That is to say, these journalists are too lazy to write the original and in-depth news reports. In addition, the lack of responsibility among
话题4 :旅游类
1 互联网能否代替实际旅游 Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
1. 当然不能,学习文化可不是看看网页那么简单。举例,只有通过零距离的观察,聆听和跟当地人进行交谈,一个旅行者才能有深度地理解一个本土文化的独特性,包括了日常的习俗,社会规范,宗教禁忌,以及说话和思维的方式。这些文化元素是无法通过网络的图片和文字描述的。 2. 此外,我对于那种“网络万能”的论调深表怀疑。事实上,今天,仍然存在很多国家和地区无法被互联网所覆盖,如朝鲜,以及贫穷的非洲国家。所以,了解它们文化的方式仍然是实地旅行。 3. 然而,就仅仅了解文化的某些成分,如在博物馆的传统艺术和古董,我认为互联网已经足够强大来展现它们。举例,电脑技术,如超高像素的照片,已经能完全再现一件绘画或是雕刻的所有细节了。所以在家看互联网上的照片和视频或获得的文化体验,跟实际的观察没有多少区别。
Would the Internet substitute the practical traveling abroad, in terms of letting people learn foreign cultures? Personally, I believe this contention overestimates the function of the Internet, and my reasons will be expounded as below. The foremost reason against this assertion is that the essence of a culture is much more than simple images. In terms of helping tourists to have a deep understanding of a local culture in certain areas, the real-world international traveling, instead of the Internet, is still a primary means by which a person can immerse himself or herself in a live cultural environment to grasp the cultural cores. For example, by face-to-face interaction with local residents, including closely observing, talking, listening, a tourist can directly and practically feel every detail about local traditions, social manners and rules, the way of speaking and th
2 国家之间高相似度的优缺点 any people are intended to go abroad to travel to see what other countries look like. However, the places all around the world are looking more and more similar. What do you think is the effect cause the similarity? Do you think the advantages of this effect outweigh the shortages of it?
导致相似的原因: 根本的原因是深度的全球化。首先,在一个国际旅游兴盛的时代,每一个地区,尤其是那些交通枢纽中心,被要求重建基础设施来达到一个统一的国际标准。举例,为了满足外国游客的需求,酒店和购物中心总是被设计为西方风格的摩天大楼;地铁和机场和建造也总是遵守一种全球通用的外观;各种指示牌,广告牌,甚至是菜单的文字信息也总是被翻译为英文,这个国际性语言。 第二,全球性流行文化的流行。现在,全球性文化,它们非常地流行和有吸引力,和正在以一个前所未有的速度占领着每一个国家和地区的文化市场。举例,任何一个城市的任何一家电影院,几乎会在同一时间上映来自好莱坞的大片。此外,年轻人们也总是对于某些国际品牌有着相同的偏好,举例,无论是上海,东京,还是纽约的年轻人,都穿着耐克的衣服在身上,拿着苹果手机在手里。 好处:这给外来人员带来便利。举例,即使是一个对于当地文化完全陌生的国外游客,也能迅速地通过统一的符号,语言和外观找到酒店,餐厅,公交路线,医院和警察局,这让旅行变得简单,舒服和安全。还有,统一的国际标准也提升了当地的生活水平。举例,在国际标准的要求下,那些落后的,偏远的地区也会有来自政府的投资来现代化其交通,航空,医疗,邮政和网络系统,这能让当地老百姓的生活实现升级。 坏处:最大的担心是当地文化特征的消失。很明显的,这种高相似度意味着国家之间文化代沟的消失,并最终导致当地文化的衰退。举例,当英语,国际流行时装和麦当劳和摇滚乐在每一个地区的每一条大街上泛滥的时候,当地的语言,传统服装和首饰,传统食物和民歌将失去生存的机会。
Today, a high parallelism between disparate countries has been a heated social issue in debate. In my view, globalization plays a significant role, which brings more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, the root cause of this trend is the deep globalization. Specifically, in an age of thriving international business and travelling, all countries and regions, especially the ones that are pivots of transportation, are required to rebuild their infrastructures, for the purpose of reaching so-called global standards. For example, in anywhere worldwide, hotels are designed as western-style skyscrapers; the construction of railway stations and airports always follows the international norms; information on products, indicators, billboards and even food menus are translated into English, the universally global language. Besides, the form of a global pop culture also contributes much to
3 国际旅游是坏事 Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for them. Why do they think so? How to change their views?
国际旅游日益流行,有人认为它促进国际理解,有人认为它加剧国家之间紧张情绪。 国际旅游加剧国家之间紧张情绪: 1. 文化冲突冒犯当地人 2. 损害当地自然资源 国际旅游促进国际理解: 1. 只有亲身体验才能了解某国文化,比如许多美国年轻人要去到俄罗斯才觉得其实那里的人们并没有那么恐怖,再比如到了中国以后才发现现在中国男人已经不再是长辫中国女人也不再裹小脚。 2. 人们更加愿意了解彼此,增进理解。 国际旅游总体上还是促进国际理解,而不是加剧紧张。
International tourism is booming: millions of tourists go to foreign countries to explore the outside world. Tourism enhances the mutual understanding between the local residents and tourists. Some people refute that international tourism intensifies tensions rather than improves understanding between people from distinguishable cultures. The people holding the latter view suppose that tourists are likely to offend the local people because of the lack of knowledge of the local customs, which differ from their own. Moreover, tourism inevitably harms the natural resources and the cultural legacy, which may lead
话题5 :环境类
1 人们为什么缺乏动力来保护环境 Some people believe that it is important to protect the environment, but they make no efforts on it. Why is it so? What actions should be taken to protect the environment?
1. 不愿意采取行动的根本原因在于这会损害他们的利益。举例,保护环境就需要减少和关闭工业,这是政府所不愿意的,因为这会减少税收和工作岗位。同样的,企业家也不愿意,因为安装环保型设备会增加生产成本。 2. 此外。老百姓同样不愿意,因为他们已经习惯了一种以环境换便利的生活方式,举例,大规模使用一次性物品,如纸杯,塑料袋等等。保护环境意味着他们不得不放弃这些便利。 3. 如何保护环境,这需要以上三方面的合作。第一,政府应该颁布反污染法律,并且严格实施;第二,企业应该升级生产设备,以达到低排放的绿色工业的标准,这意味着工业和环境保护能够共存;第三,老百姓也应该采取一种更加环保的生活方式,比如说骑车来代替开车,积极分类垃圾等等。
Why people are still reluctant to make practical actions to preserve the environment, after decades of relevant education and publication of media? I will explore the root reasons and give correspondent resolutions for this social issue in following words. The main reason why some people who superficially define themselves as environmentalists are actually unwilling to do something positive for environmental protection is that the practice is detrimental to their interests. For example, if the industry were forced to be removed or closed down to reduce the smog effects, the government would encounter a dramatic decline in the tax revenue and massive unemployment among the public. In addition, the revolution of green manufacturing is strictly refused by the majority of entrepreneurs, because the installation of advanced environmentally friendly
2 环境污染是否是经济发展不可避免的过程 Some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing and becoming richer, and this is hard to be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 不可否认的是,工业化是任何一个国家经济起飞的必经之路,这就会带来污染。举例,为了追求GDP,中国这个发展中国家不得不大力发展制造业,成为全球工厂,而这带来的是大量的煤尘和化学废料被从工厂中排放到空气,水体和土壤中。 2. 此外,当人们财富增多的时候,他们的消费就会增多,举例,使用汽车,冰箱,空调。而这些都是造成气候变暖的主因。 3. 然而,我始终认为人们对于生活习惯的改变能缓解一部分的环境问题。举例,骑车或是步行去上下班,放弃开车。还有,使用可重复使用的杯子和餐具,而不是一次性物品。最后,积极地进行垃圾分类。
Does the environmental pollution come with the economic development, as the speaker contends? This question has been a heated social issue in debate. In my view, industry is the prerequisite of a robust economy, so that industrial pollution is inescapable, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Undeniably, there is a universally regular pattern of economy growth that in all countries, the economy rising is always at the expense of environment, which no one can be exempt from. First, in retrospect of human history, industrialization, an essential stage in midst of economy development, is an unavoidable source of environmental pollution. For example, in order to keep a rapid growth of GDP, Chinese manufacturing industry receives all kinds of product orders worldwi
3 物种灭绝的原因 Many species of plants and animals are declining in the world. Give possible reasons and offer solutions.
1. 无节制的伐木是根本原因之一。举例,很多地方,森林被迅速地移平来建造农场和橡胶园。结果是,野生动物的自然栖息地会被完全破坏。 2. 工业污染。大量的废水和化学废料被排放到水体和土壤里,它们会毒死很多的植物和动物,并且破坏整个生物圈。 3. 外来生物入侵。后全球化时代,大量的外来物种被带到某一个地区。它们没有天敌,而且会不断捕食当地物种,这造成了当地生物的死亡。
It is undeniable that many plants and animals species are losing their natural habitats and they are becoming extinct in nature. There are several reasons for this universal phenomenon, but measures could be taken to handle the issue. This will be proven by looking at some of the causes and effective correspondent resolutions to the problem. One of the direct causes that should be mentioned is indiscriminate logging worldwide. For example, in many countries the trees are being uprooted giving the way to large-scale farmland of rubber, coffee and tea plantations. As a result, the natural habitat of wildlife has been affected significantly by the deforestation, and has been worsened by forest fires and endangered species poaching. Secondly, many of the human ac




