
小站整理2023-05-31 15:15:03


Sure, here's a sample essay on the IELTS speaking identity topic:

Identity is a crucial and ever-evolving aspect of everyone’s life, and it not only refers to one's official identity proof but also to one's self-perceived identity. In my opinion, the importance of identity has gradually decreased for an individual because people tend to focus more on what a person does, rather than their identity.

Firstly, I believe that identity proof has some impact on our daily lives, especially when it comes to government procedures that require identification. Identity proof can confirm a person's identity, which can make official queries, accessing certain places, or buying certain products more convenient. However, with the constant progression of society, identity proof no longer solely represents an individual's identity.

Secondly, for me, the most important identity is one defined by their profession. A career or profession can reflect a person's education, personality, work ethics, and accomplishments. A job or profession adds to an individual's identity, making it more dynamic, diverse, and expressive. People tend to identify themselves more with their profession than their nationality, upbringing, or ethnicity.

Moreover, Identity should not limit a person's choices or abilities. We should strive to break the stereotype and accept different identities with an open mind. Although a person’s identity may be a significant part of who they are, it should not limit their potential to grow and achieve in other fields.

In conclusion, while identity proof has some practical applications in our lives, it is not the sole determinant of an individual's identity. Our identity is shaped by several factors, such as experiences, beliefs, traits, and professions. Finally, our identities should not limit our potential to pursue other interests or achieve success in other fields.






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