2018雅思g类书信小作文范文 投诉信:写给商店经理

小站整理2018-04-11 13:30:50


g类雅思考生大约占总雅思总考生的20%,但是在受重视程度上,g类雅思是远远低于a类雅思的。很多g类考生在呐喊:好的g类资料在哪里。小站雅思小编浪迹全网,为大家搜集整理了一波9分级雅思g类书信小作文范文。本文主题投诉信:写给商店经理(新买的洗衣机不工作!),共175词,band 9,为formal文体。继续看考官的经典5段套路:导语+3主体+结语。可学可收藏。



You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken.

Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter

describe the problem with the equipment

explain what happened when you phoned the shop

say what you would like the manager to do


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to an appliance that I recently bought from your shop.

On the 10th May I bought a new washing machine, and it was installed the following day. However, when I tried to wash some clothes, I noticed that the machine failed to spin during the washing cycle. Consequently, it leaves clothes wet but not clean.

When I phoned your shop to report the problem, I spoke to an assistant who did not know the procedure for repairs or returns. He assured me that he would report the issue to the store manager, and that I would be contacted the same day. That was two days ago, and I am still waiting for your call.

As the appliance is under warranty, I am entitled to ask for it to be repaired or replaced. I have decided that I would like a replacement washing machine. I would also like you to phone me personally when you receive this letter.

I await your prompt response.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith (175 words)

以上就是小编为大家带来的《2018雅思g类书信小作文范文 投诉信:写给商店经理》的全部内容,雅思g类小作文范文来之不易,望广大烤鸭且用且珍惜。祝2018年,所有的Ieltser与雅思一战分手。






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