
小站整理2017-10-28 22:52:09

摘要:给大家带来10月28日场的雅思写作大作文范文,社会类话题,2014年9月4日考过的旧题,真题真题:people can choose the place they live and work because of the development of communication technology and transport?请看范文如何运筹帷幄,拿下雅思写作高分。

为大家带来10月28日最新雅思写作范文,本场考试的题目是社会类话题,题目是:Nowadays, people can choose the place they live and work because of the development of communication technology and transport. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? 随着现代通讯技术和交通的发展,人们能够自主选择自己的居住地和工作地点,这是利大于弊的事吗?


The development of modern communication technology and transport allows people to choose their working spots and places of accommodation. Generally, I think that it leads to several desirable results.

Many people now are able to work at home because of the convenience offered by smart phones and computer networks etc. and one of the main advantages lies in the fact that it promotes efficiency at work by saving the time on commuting to and from the office. Nowadays, more and more people travel with their work without worrying geographical limitations and as long as there is an Internet access, people are able to take care of work issues almost at any places. This can be very important to people such as writers and graphic designers whose work takes inspiration and creativity.

People today are granted the chance to decide the location of their residence due to the fast development of transport system, which alleviates the pressure of housing situation in many major cities. People living in densely populated places such as Beijing and London can settle down in the suburbs of the city and lead a more qualified life with bigger flats or houses, which is quite essential to families with children. More importantly, modern transport system contributes to the growth of rural areas and attracts businesses and investments and it eases the unbalanced development of a nation.

However, there is a concern that people are becoming somewhat isolated and indifferent to others because of spending too much on modem technologies. It can be true to some extent. Therefore, I think that it is quite necessary for us to promote a more active lifestyle while making the most of the advantages brought by the development of modem communication technology and transport.








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