
小站整理2017-09-07 11:09:27

摘要:雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣,本期simon考官观点语料话题:tradition vs modernity的语料。雅思考官simon,相信常来小站的烤鸭已经完全不陌生了,也不想再多浪费唇舌,之前分享过不少他精心创作的9分大小作文,那么这些满分作文源头的观点从何而来呢?今天就为大家开始一点点分享他的观点语料库。


合集分享:考官9分写作口语观点词汇语料库 绝对干货

Traditional vs Modern传统vs现代

Losing traditional skills

Because of industrialization and global trade, many traditions have disappeared

Global advertising encourages everyone to buy the same products

Most products are now made in factories

Machinery has replaced skilled human labour

Factory work is boring and leaves people feeling unfulfilled

Goods are produced very quickly and in large numbers

Products are cheaper, which means that more people can buy them


Clothes are mass produced in standard sizes

People wear similar clothes, rather than traditional costumes

Jeans and T-shirt are now worn throughout the world

Historic buildings took skilled craftsmen years to build

Modern concrete, steel and glass buildings are built in only weeks or months

There are fewer people who can create hand-made goods

Traditional customs

Traditional customs are still important during weddings and religious festivals

People wear traditional costumers and eat special foods

It is important to maintain our different cultural identities

We should celebrate festivals, teach traditional skills and protect historic places


1.When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive.

To what extent you agree or disagree with the statement?

2.he older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.

3.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?






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