9分雅思图表写作范文全集之地图篇 人体构造图

小站整理2017-07-07 17:49:53

摘要:本文所列雅思地图小作文范文,9分,四段式,183词,主题是人体构造图。注意,这个真题是考官特意出的,为了最大限度地考察大家的comparing skills,真实雅思考试中是不会出到这么变态的真题的。如何学习文笔流畅,用词地道,言简意赅的考官级范文呢?先独立写作而后比照研习,方可提升。

9分雅思图表小作文范文全集之地图 人体构造图The diagram shows the skeletal systems of two ancestors of modern human beings.Write a 150-word report for a university lecturer describing the diagram and making comparisons where relevant.



Variations in the skeletal systems of two early types of human are illustrated in this diagram. Overall, we can see that australopithecus afarensis had a heavier body and much longer arms, while homo erectus was slimmer and had more developed joints.

To begin with the upper half of the body, australopithecus afarensis had a much broader chest and waist than homo erectus, giving it a rounder appearance. The former had much longer arms and larger hands, which would have been useful for climbing trees.

As for the lower half of the body, we can see that homo erectus had proportionately longer legs and larger hip, knee and ankle joints. The feet of homo erectus were also smaller and more arched, with shorter toes. These differences meant that homo erectus was better suited to long-distance running.

In conclusion, we can see significant changes in the development of early humans from the diagram. Homo erectus is more similar to contemporary human beings with its long legs and arched feet. The physical differences are clearly related to differences in the lifestyles of tree climbers and endurance runners.

(183 words, IELTS 9.0)






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