考官g类雅思书信小作文9分范文 建议信:写给倡导环保活动的报纸

小站教育2017-07-03 10:27:19


相比较A类雅思作文,网络上与市面上的g类作文资料相对较少,g类书信小作文就更少,而质量上乘的就少之又少,而天下烤鸭,苦小作文久矣,迫切需要可信赖的范文的指导,所以,请看本文前考官同学的精彩演绎。本文主题建议信:写给倡导环保活动的报纸,共153词,band 9。考官的五段套路:客套导语+3主体+结语。请看题。


汇总传送门:17篇考官亲笔g类雅思小作文集结 9分云集

Your local newspaper published an advertisement asking people to help with environment projects in your area. Write a letter to the project manager to offer your help. In your letter

describe a local environmental issue that affects you

explain what you would like to do to help

and suggest how the problem could be avoided in future.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to your newspaper advertisement requesting volunteers for local environment projects.

The issue that most concerns me is the increasing amount of litter in the public park. Litter is both an eyesore for park users like myself and a potential threat to birds and other wildlife.

I would like to suggest a "cleanup" day on which local people would come together to pick up litter and restore the park to its former state. I would be happy to help publicise this, perhaps by making posters or handing out flyers in the town centre.

If we want to keep our park litter-free in future, more effort will need to be made to educate children about the importance of looking after our local environment. Some extra bins around the park would also be a good idea.

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(153)





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