
小站教育2017-06-26 15:26:08


Government funding for universities should only be used for scholarships for best students. And all the other funding should come from student fee and private organizations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?政府对大学的资助应该仅用于最优秀的学生的奖学金,其他的资助的资金应该来自于学费和私人机构。同意与否?

经典传送门:考官simon 9分写作大小范文共80篇大赏


解析:政府投资类的话题几乎都和其他话题有交叉的地方,分别与教育、艺术、科技和公民健康等话题结合。这类题目的写法大同小异,好处就是促进教育、艺术、科技的发展,促进公民的健康,提高身体素质等等,而坏处都是一样的:浪费政府有限的财政预算lavish the tight budget of the government,或者说给政府造成了沉重的经济负担impose a heavy financial burden on the government.




How to allocate public funds wisely has long been a thorny issue for the policymakers and now the newly-emerged problem hunting the government is to decide whether the running cost of universities should be collected from students and non-governmental entities while the government capital investment is applied to monetarily reward top students only. As far as I am concerned,I find it hard to agree with this opinion.(注意首段的同义词替换,积累起来并运用到自己的作文中)

It is undeniably a necessity to provide scholarship to best students. As an approach to stimulate students’ interest in learning and encourage them to work harder,it would well serve the purpose of boosting the development in certain areas. To be more specific,with the vivid example set by their peers indicating that excellence earns financial reward,university students would be more likely to throw themselves in study. It offers an incomparable opportunity for the government to cultivate talents for some specific fields that are hungry for fresh blood,like military,medical service or traditional culture protection. (先让步)

However,this never means the public funds should be utilized to reward top students only. Instead,other problems may be derived from this policy. The normal operation of a university involves many trivial yet important costs. Whereas, for a large number of young universities that have not been known by the public,it is challenging for them to attract students nor private organizations,thus no tuition fees or sponsorship. That is to say, this policy would undermine the development of universities. Moreover, yearning for money,there is a great possibility that the universities may exaggerate their merits and qualifications so as to attract more students. It is nothing less than a fraud and would mislead the students who would have become productive members of the society.(再转折)

In conclusion,the government funds,other than used for providing monetary reward for excellent students,should also be applied for other activities to ensure the normal function of universities.






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