
小站教育2017-06-06 15:46:40


Living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree.(2014年3月1日真题)大城市生活有害健康。同意与否?

经典传送门:考官simon 9分写作范文共28篇大赏






Nowadays, some people hold the opinion that living in metropolis is detrimental to people’s fitness and I could not agree more.

In some extent, large city dwellers may benefit from better health care. There are so many high-caliber experts in these economically advanced areas that people can have easy access to medical treatment when they fall ill. By contrast, people who are in small cities or rural areas may suffer from chronic fatigue and minor aliment due to the insufficiency of physicians and the inconvenience of transport, especially in some developing countries where most medical resources is rich in large cities but barren in other areas. In this sense, living in big cities seems to be a wise choice for the sake of health.

However, people living in large cities are more likely to suffer ill-health because of air contamination and pressure. The increasingly severe problem of air pollution makes urban residents contract respiratory disease easily, affecting the level of health in the general population. Regarding to another problem, pressure, it has an even serious impact on people’s health. To ensure an advantageous position in the face of stiff competition, numerous city residents work day, leading a hectic life. Therefore, they might feel stressed out and be easily haunted by pessimism and distress, which tend to give rise to some occupational diseases and mental sickness such as anxiety and depression.

In conclusion, while people who live in metropolis can enjoy better and timely health treatment if they fall ill, they tend to suffer from air pollution and high pressure, all of which may contribute to even bad health condition. So in this situation, I believe it is not a perfect choice. After all, prevention is more significant than the cure.

(290 words)范文来自小站范砚秋老师






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