
互联网2017-03-06 14:50:05

摘要:为大家第一时间带来3月4日雅思写作考试真题范文。本次大作文考的是科技类话题,cause&solution题型,探讨缘何现在的年轻人在离开学校时对学习抱着负面态度。千万注意不要误解了leave school的真实意思。

本次的雅思写作题目是重复2014年5月份的真题,但是也有很多同学对这个leave school有分歧,14年出这个题目的时候我的理解是正常的毕业之后对学习有一个消极的态度,但那时候有很多同学把leave school理解为drop out of school, 现在再看的话,我觉得还是我理解的对,各位也可以去oxford的词典查看一下,其释义为:finish one's education。




In the current era, there is a phenomenon that the current generation does not hold a positive view of study when they leave school. This essay will examine the possible reasons and potential solutions for this phenomenon.


To begin with, students do not know how to use what they learn, which makes them dislike study. Currently, some students are satisfied with what they have learned from the class, but actually there exists a huge gap between what one learns and what one can do. For example, if a mechanic just learns everything from a manual theoretically, it does not necessarily mean that s/he could successfully fix a car immediately. Thus, lacking of internship and working experience, students may find that lessons given by teachers cannot be directly used in work and it is natural for them to neglect study on purpose.


In addition, study is not the only factor for success. Some students regard academic performances as a guarantee for job seeking, but they may neglect other crucial factors. For example, communicative skills are emphasized in almost every enterprise currently. If a person does not know how to cooperate and coordinate with peers, even if s/he has a good academic performance, s/he may not be accepted by enterprises. Thus, it is the ignorance of social skills that make some candidates fail to secure employment, but they may attribute their failure to learning.


In order to spark young people’s interest in studying and alter their negative attitude towards study, universities and colleges should provide them with more internship opportunities before graduation, through which they could link what they learn on class with practice. Then, after graduation, they could secure employment in a shorter time with their working experience. Meanwhile, when they do internships, it is an excellent opportunity for them to learn how to communicate with their workmates, improving their ability to cooperate and coordinate.


In sum, lacking working experience and social skills may account for the reason why young people do not want to learn when they leave school and universities and colleges should take this responsibility and provide more internship positions to them.





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