
互联网2016-11-21 10:12:02


Task:In some countries, more people choose to live by themselves in recent years. Why is the case? Is it a positive or negative development for the society?





Sample answer:

Today, more and more people, especially in developed countries, choose to live alone. Some even go so far as living all by themselves even if they have a spouse. Obviously, the benefits of living alone are multiple: freedom to come and go as you please; the space and solitude all to yourself; kingly or queenly domain over the bed. However, as far as I see it, all these benefits do not come without prices.

To begin with, as TV has taught us once and again, the single-occupant home can be a breeding ground for eccentricities. In a sense, living alone represents the self let loose. In the absence of anybody else and his/her watchful eyes, the solo dweller is free to indulge his or her odd habits: no dish washing after dinner, standing naked in your kitchen at 2 a.m., eating peanut butter from the jar, and so on. You may do these things again and again until it is too late for you to make a change.

Then, for people who are comfortable and even good at living alone, there is often another concern: a fear that the concrete has set, so to speak, on their domestic habits and that it will be difficult to go back to living with someone else. A friend of mine got married after having been single and living by himself for many years, only to find that he was always quarreling with his wife because, in his words, she was constantly picking faults with his habits and lifestyle. It is only a long time later that he realized he had to give up those oddities he picked up when he was living alone.

It is, of course, a matter of personal preference whether one chooses to live all by himself or with his friends or family members. If he finds freedom more important than anything else, living alone is certainly a good choice. It would be the best choice of his if he understood how to avoid the perils, too.

(334 words)






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