
小站整理2016-10-17 13:38:55


Task:Some people believe there are intelligent life forms existing on other planets and it is better to send messages to them, but others think it is a bad idea because it is very dangerous to do this. Discuss both views and give your opinion.









Sample answer:

Our imagination about beings on other planets has never stopped and reached its climax in such movie series like “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” in 1960s and 1970s. If other life forms do exist, an idea I strongly support, should we, as human beings on the Earth, try to reach out and communicate with them?

A lot of people do not like the idea of sending messages to aliens “out there”. According to their theory, trying to establish communication with other life forms is extremely expensive because it entails designing complex equipment and apparatus. This will consume tons of money, which should be spent solving more practical problems like medical care or education. More importantly, as these people would claim, once they receive our messages and know about our existence, the aliens may invade the Earth and eliminate us all, just like what they do in many movies and science fiction.

There are others who are very enthusiastic about reaching out for aliens on other planets. They are interested in how these different life forms survive and believe their more advanced technology may well help us human beings solve our existent problems. Having been living in the universe as the only intelligent being for too long, many people find it very attractive to reach their brothers and sisters from other planets. It is significant for another reason, too. As the Earth will surely die and disappear into the black hole as many scientists have speculated, we need to be known by our siblings on other planets so that when that day eventually does come, our future grand, grand children will not perish.

Personally, I do not think much of the “danger” theory. If the aliens are less developed than us, they cannot be a threat to us even if they want to; if they are more developed and civilized, the probability that we are killed by them is still lower. Once the xenophobic danger is removed, I believe most of us will welcome the idea of communicating with the intelligent forms outside the Earth, because they can provide us with the much desired companionship and may save us when the Earth expires.

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