
小站教育2016-09-19 15:00:46

摘要:分享小站老师写的9月15日雅思写作的小作文参考范文。本次小作文考的依然是一道柱状图题:The chart below shows the percentage of self-employees in five countries in 1998 and 2008 来看范文!

Task:The chart below shows the percentage of self-employees in five countries in 1998 and 2008.


The graph above shows the percentage of working people from 5 different Eastern European countries who were self-employed in 1998 and 2008. Greece and Turkey have by far the highest proportion of self-employed workers among the 5 countries, however they are also the only countries which report a decrease in the percentage of self-employed workers between the two years plotted on the graph.

In 1998, The Russian Federation, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic had self-employment figures of 7%, 9% and 12% respectively, all of which are far lower than Greece’s 46% and Turkey’s 55% for the same year.

In 2008, however, the former 3 countries had all experienced a small increase in percentage of self-employees. The Russian Federation and the Czech Republic had increased by 2%, while Slovakia had increased by 3%. This contrasts sharply with the 10% fall of Greece’s self-employed workers, and the 16% decrease in Turkey’s over the same time period.

Despite these different trends, Greece and Turkey remain far above of the other three counties in percentage of self-employed workers in 2008, both with over double that of The Czech Republic, which is the highest of the remaining 3 countries.

(194 words)






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