
小站教育2016-08-30 10:26:04

摘要:分享小站老师写的8月27日雅思写作的小作文参考范文。本次小作文考的依然是一道柱状图:The charts blow shows the percentage of boys and girls aged 4-15 took part in activities and sports in Australia in 2003.来看范文!

Task:The charts blow shows the percentage of boys and girls aged 4-15 took part in activities and sports in Australia in 2003.


The bar charts reveal the gender differences when boys and girls selected multiple activities and sports in 2003.

It can be seen from the first chart that there were substantial differences in the proportion of boys and girls at diverse activities. The biggest gender gap was observed in Dancing, where over 25% of girls chose this activity, in marked contrast to less than 5% of boys. Nevertheless, the predominance of girls was less evident in Drama (5% compared to 3%) and Singing (6% versus 2%).

On the contrary, boys’ favorite activity appeared to be sports, where they outnumbered girls (78% to 52%). Likewise, playing a musical instrument was another male-dominated activity, attracting 21% of male students, tripling the enrolment rate of females (only 7%).

Overall, instruments were basically male-dominated while dancing was favored more by female students than by male students. The gender gap was narrow in drama and singing.

(150 words)







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