
小站教育2016-08-03 11:08:23

摘要:接下来为大家带来雅思大作文政府投资类话题(同意与否题型)的一篇范文。真题是:Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Task:Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?




1. 投资科学研究应该优于其他学科,因为新科技的发明和突破是我们今天社会前进的根本驱动力。举例,如果没有对医学方面的投资,则新的药品,疫苗,诊断技术,医学设备都不会诞生。同样的,给我们生活带来便利和舒适的家电,如冰箱,电视,洗衣机,也都来自长期地科学研究。

2. 然而,其他不那么实用的学科仍然有投资的必要。举例,数学,这个标准的理论性学科,是必须给予资金支持的,因为它是其他实用性学科的基础,如计算机,生物工程,化学等等。正是数学的突破给这些学科提供了新的理论,公式,数学模型和测试。

3. 此外,文学学科的重要性在于,它们把学生培养成了合格的社会公民。举例,通过学习历史和哲学,学生能学会基本的道德,民主和社会规范,以及对于本土文化的热爱。、


Nowadays, there is a common view that in terms of the limited scientific funding, the government should give priorities to research for "hard sciences" over "soft sciences." Personally, I think this assertion fails to grasp the values of these less useful subjects, and my reasons would be explored as below.

Admittedly, there is a necessity for the government to keep the primary investment into scientific research, because whose breakthroughs can make practical contributions to our society. To begin with, with more financial aid from the government to be used in the medical research, human beings will profit much from it. Indeed, a new breed of medicine needs to be experimented many times prior to being introduced to us and benefit us. Without money, experiments are hard to be proceeded. In addition, it is obvious that funds used in technology may contribute to the improvement of our living standard. For instance, the invention of air conditioning, fridge, and air plane has made our life more convenient than before, again by thousands of experiments which also cost much money.

However, I strongly believe that so-called less-valuable subjects deserve the funding, because they are the foundation of practical subjects. Obviously, there is no denying that mathematics, a typical theoretical course, is the basis of science of computer, chemistry, physics, medication and engineering, because the former can provide basic calculating methods, ways of data record and analysis, formulas and testing tools which substantially support the studying of the latter subjects . In other words, with ignorance of mathematics, students would fail to find the doorway of scientific research.

Besides, seemingly pointless and unpractical courses in university have been proven to provide life-long values to all students. Specifically, philosophy equips students with critical thinking, which instructs them to make wise decisions and judgments in daily life. Similarly, through history learning, a student can obtain precious lessons and social experience to avoid repeating same mistakes happening in the past. Law courses also instill students with social morals and rules, which enables them to be law-abiding, with the ability of distinguishing the right from the wrong. That is to say, under this function of university, a new generation can grow up into maturity and independence fully, and make positive contributions to social civilization. Consequently, by being education with theoretical courses, students can turn into eligible citizens.

To sum up, I agree that the research on science to be paid more attention and money is reasonable. However, it does not mean that the other subjects cannot get any funds and attention. I propose that limited budget to be allocated wisely and efficiently is the best way to get the balance.

(442 words)






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