
互联网2016-06-17 11:36:54

摘要:6月16日雅思大作文考得是一篇关于教育类话题的作文:Some people believe that a country benefits greatly with a high percentage of young people going to university, while others argue that it only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.来看一篇范文!

半个月木有考雅思了,终于昨天考了......本次的大作文是比较正常的教育类discuss both views的问题,并不是很难~来看范文一枚



Some people believe that a country benefits greatly with a high percentage of young people going to university, while others argue that it only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Sample answer:

When it comes to the issue about how to judge the influence of higher education, some people argue that tertiary education does bring benefits to the society, but others believe that it is detrimental and even increases the unemployment rate.

On one hand, higher education could cultivate more students with skills and knowledge, contributing to the development of countries. It is widely acknowledged that universities could provide students with more specialized knowledge in different domains according to their own interests. Those students, after graduating from universities, may be recruited by excellent enterprises due to their qualified educational backgrounds. Then, they could better utilize their talent and potential to make more innovation and technological progress, which really benefits countries a lot.

On the other hand, it cannot be ignored that many graduates may be trapped in a situation where they cannot secure employment when they finish their academic programs. Sometimes, when students are too engaged in studying at university, they may neglect some necessary skills. For example, some students who perform so well may not be proficient in communication, which leads to that they cannot effectively respond to their potential employers when hunting a job. Thus, it is also understandable that some employers refuse so-called elites from universities since they may not know some basic skills, such as communicative skills.

From my own perspective, it is necessary to encourage more students to go to universities for higher education and contribute to countries with their knowledge acquired from universities; meanwhile, in order to reduce the unemployment rate, universities should take the initiative to provide students with the access to practice. For instance, during the academic program, schools should offer students the opportunities of visiting enterprises and positions of internship, which allows students to better polish their CVs and be accepted by better companies.

(301 words)






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