2016年4月16日雅思写作最新大作文话题语料库--urban planning

小站教育2016-04-18 15:19:15

摘要:本文主要跟大家分享3月31日雅思考试写作真题大作文的话题语料库--urban planning。每一天我们所居住的城市都在发生翻天覆地的变化,城市的规划也越来越人性化,关于这样的话题,别人会有怎样的想法呢?我们一起看看这篇文章吧!



Related words

urban planning 城市规划

strategic thinking 战略性思维

architecture 建筑

policy recommendation 政策建议


1.Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the use of land, protection and use of the environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks. Urban Planning is also referred to as urban and regional, regional town, city, rural planning or some combination in various areas worldwide. Urban planning takes many forms and it can share perspectives and practices with urban design.

public welfare公共福利

urban environment城市环境


be referred to 是指...

perspective 视角


2.Like insecure teenagers, malls keep changing their style. They are ripping away their roofs and drywalled corridors; adding open-air plazas, sidewalks, and street-side parking; and rechristening themselves "lifestyle centers." This new look may remind you of something: a vibrant urban street. Yet, while these new malls may appear to be public space, they're not public at all—at least if you want to do anything but shop. They represent a bait-and-switch routine on the part of developers, one that exchanges the public realm for the commercial one.

rip away 原意是撕破,这里翻译成去掉,去除

open-air plaza 露天广场

vibrant 充满生气的 这里可以用energetic代换

enormous 巨大的,庞大的 huge同义词


3.Public spaces play a vital role in the social and economic life of communities. New kinds of public spaces and meeting places are now being created in towns and cities ,which can be an important social resource.


4.The use of public spaces varies according to the time of day and day of the week, and is affected by what is on offer in a particular place at a particular time. In one town centre studied there was a clear rhythm to the day, with older people shopping in the central market early on,children and young people out at the end of the school day, and young adults dominating the town centre at night.






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