
小站整理2018-03-21 17:57:46


本期雅思听力提分训练内容有关:For U.S. Snowboarder, Helping Fellow Paralympians Is As Vital As Medaling.本听力素材来自NPR,NPR新闻是美国的国家公共广播,纯公益,所以内容更加去纯粹,直击心灵。可作为雅思听力泛听训练的日常素材,坚持长期听,除了锻炼英语听力,还能积累雅思听力词汇。



Tomorrow the Winter Paralympic Games begin a 10-day run in South Korea featuring the world's best athletes with disabilities. U.S. snowboarder Mike Schultz is a medal contender competing in his first Paralympics. And as NPR's Tom Goldman reports, Schultz is helping others compete as well.

明天冬季残奥会将在韩国举行,为期10天,是世界上最好的残疾人运动员。美国的滑雪运动员Mike Schultz是在他的第一次残奥会的奖牌争夺者。NPR的Tom Goldman报道,舒尔茨也在帮助其他人比赛。

TOM GOLDMAN, BYLINE: Close to 700 athletes are gathered in Pyeongchang for the Paralympics. They'll take part in six sports, including alpine skiing, biathlon and snowboarding. Most of these athletes have dramatic stories to tell. Mike Schultz has one that's hard to beat.

接近700的运动员都聚集在平昌残奥会。他们将参加六个体育项目,包括高山滑雪、冬季两项和滑雪板。大多数运动员都有戏剧性的故事要讲。Mike Schultz有一个很难打败。

MIKE SCHULTZ: December 13, 2008 - yeah, that kind of changed everything a little bit.

GOLDMAN: Schultz, in his understated Minnesota kind of way, recounts the day he nearly died. He was at the time a top pro snowmobile racer nicknamed Monster Mike. But on that day at a race in Michigan, Schultz got bucked off his machine.

SCHULTZ: I landed on my left leg with all my weight.

GOLDMAN: The leg hyperextended at a horrifying angle.

SCHULTZ: Totally bent the wrong way. I kicked myself in the chin with my toe.

GOLDMAN: The accident severed an artery, and he nearly bled to death. Doctors had to amputate his left leg 3 inches above the knee. Mike Schultz had raced snowmobiles and dirt bikes since he was a teenager. Despite his injury, he wasn't ready to give them up. But he knew he couldn't get back to his beloved sports with his basic and clunky prosthetic walking leg.

事故使他的一条动脉断了,他几乎流血而死。医生不得不锯掉他的左腿膝盖以上3英寸。当他还是一个少年的时候,Mike Schultz已经能够驾驭雪上摩托和自行车了。尽管他受伤了,但他还没有准备好放弃。但是他知道他不能回到他心爱的运动,和他笨重的假肢。

SCHULTZ: Yeah, here's the original drawings for the Versa Foot.

GOLDMAN: Schultz shows off the beginnings of what would end up changing his life and others, as he recounted in a 2016 appearance on "Conan."


SCHULTZ: I was in the garage fixing things, and I'm like, what better project than building your own leg? And...


CONAN O'BRIEN: You're certainly motivated.

SCHULTZ: I was very, very motivated.


GOLDMAN: He built a leg specifically for sport. The Versa Foot and Moto Knee gave Schultz all-important shock absorption and range of motion. Seven months after his injury, he won an X Games silver medal. In 2010, he started his company BioDapt to make his inventions available to other athletes, like Keith Deutsch.

为了运动他特地造了一条腿。Versa Foot和Moto Knee 给了他非常重要的减震和运动范围。在他受伤七个月后,他赢得了一枚银牌。在2010,他开创了他的公司——biodapt,他的发明提供给了其他运动员,像Keith Deutsch。

SCHULTZ: For the purpose of this conversation, Sergeant retired Keith Deutsch.

GOLDMAN: Deutsch lost a leg in 2003 serving in Iraq. He'd been a snowboard instructor and raced in the sport. In 2011, in Colorado, he met Schultz, who lent him the Moto Knee to try.

KEITH DEUTSCH: It's the most familiar I've felt since I lost my leg.

GOLDMAN: Deutsch was joyous. Schultz says giving Deutsch that moment was strong stuff. Their connection was significant for another reason. It got Schultz on a snowboard for the first time.

DEUTSCH: He's not afraid of going fast. And he picked it up really quickly. The guys in the Olympics - what? - three, four, six years after he started.

GOLDMAN: Seven to be exact.

SCHULTZ: So I'm balancing on a round peg underneath the board. I've got a 12- pound medicine ball bouncing on the ground.

GOLDMAN: Schultz works out in a small gym adjacent to his office. It's all part of a large converted storage shed where Schultz also makes his prosthetic devices. The shed is next to the house in St. Cloud that he shares with his wife and young daughter. One takes it all in - his business, his success in snowboarding - and you wonder. Was that horrible day in 2008 actually a good thing?


SCHULTZ: Not a day goes by my life where I don't wish I could have my leg back. I wish I could grow my leg back today.

GOLDMAN: Schultz says all the success has been hard earned, and there have been failures along the way. And there are things people don't see, like the time he was carrying his infant daughter at night and not wearing his prosthetic leg.

SCHULTZ: I tripped. And I had to chuck her across the room so she could land on the bed. Those are the moments I - that are real, you know? I can't carry my daughter around without worrying about tripping, possibly injuring her.


GOLDMAN: Tomorrow, the public Mike Schultz will be on full display. He's been chosen to carry the flag and lead the U.S. delegation at the Paralympics opening ceremony. Tom Goldman, NPR News.


underneath 在下面

tripped 绊倒

snowboarding 单板滑雪

skiing 滑雪

opening ceremony 开幕式

instructor 教练

bounce 反弹

biathlon 冬季两项

balance 平衡

athlete 运动员







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