
小站整理2024-09-14 10:25:37

雅思作文陈述(也常被称为引言或开头段)是整篇文章的起点,它应该清晰地表明你的立场、概述文章的主题,并可能简要提及你将如何展开论述。一个有效的作文陈述能够吸引读者的注意力,为后续段落奠定基础。以下是一个雅思作文陈述的范文,以及对其结构的解析: 题目示例: Some people believe that the internet has made life easier and more convenient. Others think it has caused numerous problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 作文陈述范文: In recent years, the advent and proliferation of the internet have sparked a heated debate about its impact on modern life. On one hand, proponents argue that the internet has revolutionized the way we live, making daily tasks simpler and faster through instant access to information and services. On the other hand, detractors contend that this digital revolution has brought about a myriad of challenges, ranging from cyberbullying and privacy concerns to addiction and the erosion of social skills. In my opinion, while the internet undeniably offers numerous benefits, its drawbacks cannot be overlooked, necessitating a balanced approach to harness its potential while mitigating its negative effects. 结构解析: 引入话题:首先,通过提及“the advent and proliferation of the internet”和“its impact on modern life”来引入话题,让读者了解你将要讨论的内容。 概述双方观点: 支持方观点:“On one hand, proponents argue that...” 这一部分简要概述了支持互联网使生活变得更便捷的观点,提到了信息获取的即时性和服务的便利性。 反对方观点:“On the other hand, detractors contend that...” 接着,你概述了反对方认为互联网带来的问题,如网络欺凌、隐私问题、成瘾以及社交技能的退化。 表明个人立场:“In my opinion,” 这句话标志着你将从个人角度对问题进行阐述。你提到“while the internet undeniably offers numerous benefits, its drawbacks cannot be overlooked”,这既承认了互联网的积极面,也指出了其消极面,为后续的平衡讨论打下了基础。 提出文章主旨:“necessitating a balanced approach to harness its potential while mitigating its negative effects” 这句话总结了你的主旨,即需要采取一种平衡的方法来充分利用互联网的优势,并减轻其负面影响。 这个范文展示了如何有效地撰写雅思作文陈述,既概述了题目中的不同观点,又明确了自己的立场和文章的主旨。记得在写作时,根据你的具体观点和论据,灵活调整范文中的内容和语言。





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