
小站整理2024-07-16 13:36:26



The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of tourist facilities.

The given maps vividly illustrate the transformation of an island from a pristine state to a bustling tourist destination. The initial map portrays the island in its natural form, while the second map reveals the extensive developments undertaken to cater to the tourism industry.

Before the Construction:

Looking at the first map, we can observe that the island, approximately 250 metres in length, was primarily uninhabited and covered with lush vegetation, particularly palm trees. The island was surrounded by the ocean, with a prominent beach located in the western region. This beach, once likely untouched by human activities, offered a serene and secluded setting. Apart from the beach, the island appeared to be devoid of any man-made structures, suggesting its pristine condition prior to tourism development.

After the Construction:

The second map presents a stark contrast to the previous one, showcasing the significant changes brought about by tourism infrastructure. The island has undergone a dramatic transformation, with the addition of numerous tourist facilities. In the west, close to the beach, a cluster of six buildings, presumably hotel rooms, has been constructed, catering to the accommodation needs of visitors. Similarly, nine more buildings have been erected in the centre of the island, further expanding the accommodation options.

Between these two accommodation areas, a reception building and a restaurant have been developed, facilitating the needs of tourists. A vehicle track has been laid out, connecting the reception area to the restaurant and further extending to a pier on the south coast of the island. This pier allows yachts and other watercraft to access the resort, enhancing the island's appeal as a destination for water sports and leisure activities.

Despite these significant developments, the beach remains a notable natural feature that has been preserved and now serves as a popular swimming area for tourists. Footpaths have been built around the accommodations, providing easy access to the beach and other parts of the island. Additionally, it appears that only a few trees were cut down during the construction process, indicating a level of environmental consciousness in the development plans.

Comparison and Conclusion:

In conclusion, the transformation of the island from a barren yet beautiful landscape to a thriving tourist hub is evident from the comparison of the two maps. The addition of hotels, restaurants, reception facilities, and a pier has significantly enhanced the island's tourist offerings. While the island's natural beauty, particularly the beach and surrounding vegetation, has been largely preserved, the development has undoubtedly transformed it into a desirable destination for both leisure and adventure seekers.







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