
小站整理2024-07-12 10:13:09





  • 背景介绍:简要描述题目所涉及的话题或现象,为接下来的讨论铺垫。
  • 引出争议:指出该话题存在的争议点或不同观点。
  • 明确立场:清晰表明你的观点或立场,即你同意或不同意某个观点,或者认为某个观点在某些方面是有道理的。

主体段落一(Body Paragraph 1)

  • 论点一:提出你的第一个主要论点,支持你的立场。
  • 论据:给出具体的例子、数据或事实来支持你的论点。
  • 分析:对论据进行简要分析,说明它们如何加强你的论点。

主体段落二(Body Paragraph 2)

  • 论点二:提出你的第二个主要论点,进一步支持你的立场。
  • 论据:同样给出具体的例子、数据或事实。
  • 反论及回应(可选):如果可能,提及与你观点相反的意见,并简要解释为什么你仍然坚持自己的观点。

主体段落三(Body Paragraph 3,视情况而定)

  • 如果需要,可以添加第三个主体段落,用来进一步阐述你的观点或解决其他相关问题。


  • 总结观点:重申你的主要观点和立场。
  • 强调重要性:简要说明为什么这个话题或观点是重要的。
  • 提出建议或展望未来(可选):根据你的观点,提出可能的解决方案或对未来发展的预测。

示例范文(题目:Some people believe that governments should spend more money on art and culture rather than on sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?)


In recent years, there has been a heated debate about the allocation of government funds between art and culture, on one hand, and sports, on the other. Some contend that arts and culture are essential to the soul of a nation, and hence should receive a larger share of public spending. Others, however, argue that sports contribute significantly to national unity and physical health, and therefore deserve greater financial support. From my perspective, while both areas are of paramount importance, governments should prioritize funding for sports over arts and culture, given their direct and tangible benefits to society.


Firstly, sports play a crucial role in promoting physical health and fitness among the general population. In an era where sedentary lifestyles and obesity rates are on the rise, encouraging participation in sports can significantly reduce the burden on healthcare systems and improve the overall well-being of citizens. Moreover, sports events often serve as a platform for national unity and pride, fostering a sense of belonging and community among diverse groups of people.


Secondly, while arts and culture are undoubtedly valuable in enriching our lives and preserving our heritage, their benefits are more intangible and less widely accessible. Not everyone has the time or inclination to attend concerts, exhibitions, or theater performances. In contrast, sports events are often broadcast widely on television and the internet, making them more inclusive and accessible to a broader audience. Furthermore, the economic impact of sports is often more immediate and significant, generating jobs, revenue, and tourism for local communities.


In conclusion, while arts and culture are important components of our society, I believe that governments should prioritize funding for sports. The tangible benefits of sports in terms of physical health, national unity, and economic impact make it a worthwhile investment. This does not mean, however, that we should neglect the arts and culture; rather, we should strive for a balanced approach that ensures that both areas receive adequate support.






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