
小站整理2023-12-08 11:01:32



The line graph compares the consumption of fish and meat in China between 2010 and 2020.

It starts with the information that the consumption of fish has increased consistently over the period while that of meat has remained relatively stable. By 2020, the consumption of fish is expected to reach 60 kilograms per person, which is 20 kilograms more than that of 2010. In contrast, the consumption of meat is expected to remain at around 50 kilograms per person throughout the decade.

The second observation is that the consumption of chicken, pork and beef has remained stable between 2015 and 2017. However, from 2018 to 2020, there is a significant drop in the consumption of chicken and pork, while the consumption of beef remains stable. In particular, by 2020, the consumption of chicken and pork is expected to be around 30 kilograms per person, which is 10 kilograms less than that of 2015.

In terms of why this is happening, it could be due to a number of factors. Firstly, there could be a change in dietary preferences among the Chinese population, with more people becoming health conscious and turning to fish as a healthier alternative to meat. Secondly, the rise in the consumption of fish could also be attributed to an increase in seafood production and a decrease in meat production, due to factors such as high feed prices and government policies.

In conclusion, the line graph provides a visual representation of the consumption trends of fish and meat in China between 2010 and 2020. The consumption of fish has increased consistently over the period while that of meat has remained relatively stable, except for a drop in chicken and pork consumption from 2018 to 2020. This could be attributed to changes in dietary preferences and factors related to production costs.






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