
小站整理2023-05-09 10:54:29


Jewelry, an art with diverse shapes and styles, often leaves a lasting impression due to its intricacy, delicacy, and beauty. The topic of jewelry may appear on the 2023 IELTS speaking test, where candidates are expected to demonstrate their spoken English proficiency. In this essay, we will delve into several aspects of jewelry to help you prepare for your IELTS speaking test.

Firstly, let's discuss the categories of jewelry. Jewelry can come in many forms, such as diamond, ruby, jade, agate, coral, and precious metals like gold and platinum. Each type of jewelry has its unique characteristics and meaning. For example, diamond is considered the king of gems due to its hardness, transparency, and brilliance, representing purity, perseverance, and eternity. Ruby, on the other hand, is known as the stone of passion, symbolizing warmth, joy, and love.

Secondly, jewelry has various uses. It can serve as decoration, gift giving, commemoration, and investment. In special occasions, jewelry can be a statement of denial, criticism, or celebration of certain events. For example, Prince George gave a diamond ring to Dr. Miguel, an obstetrician, in honor of her care for their child's congenital disease. The diamond ring as a gift represents appreciation and recognition, but also expresses congratulations for the success.

Lastly, some jewelry enthusiasts often collect jewelry as an interesting and valuable hobby. Some rare and expensive jewelry pieces are often sold in auctions or private transactions. Jewelry collectors usually start with collecting works of famous creators, followed by collecting jewelry that represents the design and brand of the era.

In conclusion, as a beautiful art form, jewelry not only has various characteristics and cultural meanings, but also carries social and emotional implications. In your IELTS speaking test, discussing the types, uses, and value of jewelry can be a great way to showcase your spoken English expression skills.






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