
小站整理2023-04-20 17:19:41


As the world becomes more interconnected and travel becomes more accessible, many people are embracing the opportunity to explore new places and cultures. For me, there are several different forms of travel that I particularly enjoy.

One of my favorite ways to travel is to visit historical sites and monuments. I love learning about the past and seeing firsthand the places where important events occurred. Whether it's the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids in Egypt, these types of destinations are both educational and awe-inspiring.

Another form of travel that I enjoy is culinary tourism. Trying new foods and experiencing local cuisine is a great way to immerse oneself in a new culture. Whether it's sampling street food in Thailand or dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris, food has the power to bring people together and create memorable experiences.

Finally, I also enjoy adventure travel. Whether it's hiking in the mountains or scuba diving in the ocean, pushing oneself out of their comfort zone is a great way to experience new things and create lasting memories.


This sample article provides a comprehensive answer to the topic of 2022 IELTS speaking: which forms of tourism do you prefer. The author first listed his favorite tourism methods: visiting historical sites and monuments, food tourism, and adventure tourism, and specifically described his love for these tourism methods, and made sufficient transitions and coherence between these examples. So, in response to this article, different questions are raised:

1.Why are historical sites and monuments one of the author's favorite ways of traveling?
Answer: The reason why the author likes this approach is that he can understand past history and witness important events with his own eyes. At the same time, this type of tourism can also serve as an opportunity for education and inspiration.

2.What is the charm of food tourism for the author?
Answer: The reason why the author likes food tourism is that he can try new foods and experience the local food culture. Food helps to bring people closer and create beautiful memories.

3. What are the benefits of adventure tourism?
Answer: For the author, adventure tourism is a great opportunity to accept challenges and break through their comfort zone, allowing them to try new things and create lasting memories.

4.Have the author visited any special historical sites and monuments?
Answer: The article does not specifically mention the specific historical sites and monuments visited by the author, but it can be imagined that the author has visited some world-famous sites and monuments.

If the author could choose a travel method in the next year, which one would he choose?

Answer: This question needs to be answered based on the author's personal preferences. Due to the author's preference for the above three methods, it is difficult to choose one of them. If you have to choose, you can try pairing two options, such as historical sites and monuments with food tourism.





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