
小站整理2018-10-09 20:21:42



1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?

Um…I suppose the main one I use is weibo, which is basically the equivalent of Twitter in the West. And um… as well as that, I occasionally use a website called renrenwang, which is essentially a Chinese version of Facebook, although I don’t really use it as much as I used to, cos I think weibo’s a bit better.


2. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

I’m not really that picky actually. I mean, if anyone’s interested enough to get in touch with me on a social networking site, then it feels quite nice, you know, someone’s gone out of their way to contact me. So I kind of appreciate it, and I’m generally willing to make friends with them.


3. Are you a social person?

Yeah, I’d say I am, cos I mean, I like hanging out with my friends a lot and doing stuff with them. And… yeah, I just generally enjoy being around others, and you know, I’ve always found it quite easy to strike up conversations with people, even complete strangers! So yeah, I’d say I am quite a social person.


strike up conversations – start conversations

(If no:)

Not really, if I’m gonna be totally honest with you! Because um… how can I put it…, I’m just not the kind of person who actively strikes up conversations with others. You know, to me that’s just too much effort, and I always worry that I’ll run out of things to talk about! So I tend to just keep to myself.


4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking site?

I’m honestly not that sure because I’ve never really made a big effort to find friends on the Internet, but thinking about it, I’d say it’s probably not that easy, although it’s definitely possible, cos um… I think you never quite know someone properly until you’ve met them in the flesh. At least that’s been my experience anyway!


5. What kinds of chatting APPs or software do Chinese people like to use?

Well definitely the most popular APP right now is WeChat, cos I mean, literally everyone in China uses it. And as well as this, QQ is the other really popular way of communicating with people, and if you’ve been in China for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve been asked for your WeChat or QQ number!



the equivalent of – 相等于(The equivalent of someone or something is a person or thing that has the same function in a different place, time, or system.)

Essentially -大体上;基本上(You use essentially to indicate that what you are saying is mainly true, although some parts of it are wrong or more complicated than has been stated.)

Chinese version – 中国版

Literally - 确实地;真正地;不加夸张地 (You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exaggerated or surprising.

Properly - thoroughly, completely; 彻底地

In the flesh - 本人

At least that’s been my experience anyway! - 至少按照我的经验是这样的!

how can I put it – 怎么说呢?

too much effort - 太麻烦

I always worry that I’ll run out of things to talk about – 我总怕想不出话说了

I keep to myself -不与人来往, 不交际; 杜门不出; 落落寡交

When I’m in a group, I often don’t feel completely at ease. - 跟别人在一起,我经常感到不完全自在的

Picky -挑剔

gone out of their way (to…) - 不厌其烦地… , 特意…







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